Friday, June 13, 2008
Big 3 Lead Alternative Energy Development
Korean companies are turning their attention to the development of alternative energy to substitute for fossil fuel in the midst of surging global oil prices.While electronics and heavy industries look to muscle into the solar energy business, automakers are in full swing developing hybrid vehicles. Refineries here are also seeking to create funds for alternative energy. LG Group recently confirmed an internal plan to foster solar business as a new growth engine. Following last year's establishment of LG Solar Energy, which will exclusively take charge of solar energy generation business, it has recently set up separate develop projects for a solar lighting module for LG Electronics, and polycrystalline silicon, usually dubbed as polysilicon, for LG Chemical.Samsung Electronics has also built a photovoltaic research institute at its LCD research center, where a project to develop solar battery products is underway. Hyundai Heavy Industries launched a solar cell plant in Eumseong, North Chungcheong Province, last month. The new plant will produce photovoltaic modules generating 30 megawatts every year, which is enough for about 10,000 households to use. Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group is looking to develop eco-friendly hybrid vehicles, which are more fuel efficient with lower emissions than conventional ones. The world no.6 maker plans to produce hybrid cars in 2009, followed by test operations of fuel cell vehicles in 2012 and their commercial production later. As part of a master plan, it will set off production of a hybrid version of its compact car, Avante, next year.
My Opinion
Recently, world economies are suffering from high oil price, because oil is the core factor to lead all economics circumstance. But as you know, Oil will be exhausted soon. Can you imagine if we don’t have alternative energy after exhausting? Many people will probably worry about their car’s fuel. It is not only individual’s problem, but also entire industries. In this tough era, what should firms do in order to overcome?
They won’t be able to operate if they just expect increasing supply of oil. Many major firms have researched to develop alternative energy, and have made an effort to improve their technology. However, I think that we still lag behind other developed countries. Lots of products based on alternative energy, which commercially use in developed countries, aren’t still used in Korea; furthermore we still don’t have any legal system. In other words, we pursue other countries. But In competitive business, follower has very limited opportunities. Therefore, we have to find out Blue Ocean so as to increase our quantity of output. I think that alternative energy is the Blue Ocean. Even though, we lag behind other countries at the moment, it isn’t too late. Therefore if government and firms concentrate on developing alternative energy, we will be able to make lots of profit.
#20400251 Entry #15
how Google Fuels its idea Factory

Summary & Opinion
Google has improved A lot after they had hard time with highly dropped stock price. Many concerned that weak economy would hurt the search advertising business, like Google. Despite this, Google haven’t really defied and showed 20 % of amazing stock soaring. As the answer from Chief Executive Eric Schmidt, there are a few special strategies and methods they could survive and keep innovating themselves.
Google has tried to make small group of people for catching up the creative ideas to innovate. They strongly believe that managers can’t screw around with the employees beyond some limit. The strength Google has is that they have unique strategies and keep innovating themselves with that strategies.
They also have some problems they face. The weakness they have is that they have people in multi sites, so they have some obstacles with communicating each other because the way they want to do is face to face contact.
The opportunities they have are many acquisitions. They positively think about accepting the acquisitions. Therefore, they carefully evaluate before decide to accept the acquisitions. They see more acquisitions to accept.The threats they have are not really serious. It could be these days’ recession or a downturn, but it wouldn’t affect to Google much.
I also positively think about the acquisition which Google accepts. as we saw from the Spoinbrush case study, it is a big Challenges and opportunities to improve themselves in spite of the difficulty of deciding and assimilating the culture.
20700011 entry #15
Hospitals Set to Attract More Foreign Customers
Korean hospitals will be more attractive to foreign patients than now, because recently Korean government decided to decrease regulation about hospitals.
According to the Ministry for Health, Welfare and Family Affairs, Hospitals can use all marketing tools to attract foreign patients.
To make Korea ‘medical tourism’ is the goal and it will be new growth energy for the Korean economy. Thanks to easing management, Korean hospitals can use any form of promotion such as paper, TV, fee discounts, and even transportation service for inbound patients.
Medical tourism is very profitable business, and this change of law will help the success of hospital business.
Many foreigners come to Korea, because they can have advantages both the low cost and high level treatment service, compared to expensive price of the advanced countries.
And they have a goal; they have more than 100,000 overseas patients by 2012.
Korean government plans to fuse oriental with western medical service and allows wealthier hospitals to take over poor hospitals.
Many experts expect to strengthen the competitiveness of Korean hospitals.
I remembered seeing Malaysia that has a big successful medical business for foreigners in class. In video, its environment and system was great. It was enough appeal to foreigners because there were nice facilities in hospital and it didn’t lose compared to hotel service. And it’s possible to explore beautiful tour at that time. I impressed by it and I was impatient at Korean’s environment compared to that.
That’s because Korea government had strict laws to hospital field, because it stressed the public more. Actually, strict regulations have disturbed to the potential growth of Korean hospital. We have excellent doctors and skill, but many foreigners select Malaysia or Indo instead Korea, because Korea strength regulation and have fewer benefit to foreigners. In Case of Malaysia, not only hospital’s effort to development its service and skill, but also government’s assistance are helpful.
# 20300194- Entry 15
(Source: The Korea Times/06-12-2008/ by Park Si-soo ,staff reporter )
US Beef Boycott in Making
McDonald, one of the largest fastfood franchise, tells "100% beef" but it is not good to most of Korean consumers because of mad cow disease. The main food manufacturers and restaurant chains emphasizetheir "no U.S beef" because they have to reduce the loss of the recent event.
A spokeperson of CJ, Kim Jong-eun, said "It is important to win over consumer trust from the start'' Besides CJ, Korean biggest fastfood chain Lotteria, manages 740 stores in the country, said it will not use even in the future and family restaurant Outback Steakhouse including VIPS, Sizzler, T.G.I. Fridays and Bennigan's decided not to import "U.S beef".
Moreover, major hypermarket like E-mart, Lotte mart, and Homeplus are also thinking the import of "US beef" is not desirable.
However, its ban will demage the local beef importers and it will be distributed to each part. If the part rejects the import, they cost considerably. In fact, the amount of US beef import was $850 million the third market for US and Korea import beef from the Austrailia after the prohibition.
The Korean consumer are afraid of US beef and it can occur mad cow disease. Perhaps it can be not ture and I want to trust it, but almost all the consumers don't feel like that so the main firms involved in beef tried not to lose their credability from them. How important the relationship with them is!!
What happen if the companies thought "US beef" is not dangerous and make the product using it?
The reputation will decrease drastically and the firm may lose the market share. Safe is not important and their concern is only in the consumers' preference. And it is sure that US beef is not so the reaction of giant firm is right.
But how can the importers do? This will have to be solved by the Korea and US government. Gov. suggests the solution quickly and the nation make feel confortable.
(Ref. : Koreatimes, 6/13, By Jane Han Staff reporter)
Korean Coffee Market

What coffee retailer do you think about when we say "coffee." Many people say Starbucks. However Korean coffee retailers are becoming competent with US coffee brands to bring Korea's coffee market to their side. Coffee retailers are pursuing to bring different experience and stories to their coffee brand.
The US Coffee retailers opened the market of coffee to Korea, widening their market. Competitors emerged, particularly domestic player such as Holly's, Angel-in-Us, and Tom N Toms. These retailers see that the market has great potential to grow because of conversion to premium espressos from instant coffee. Coffee retailers also see their business growing with the breakfast niche market.
Hollys, Korean specialty take-out coffee reatiler, promotes its homegrown brand. It strives to understand consumer neds and develop products along with the trends that are changing rapidly. Angel-in-Us provides high quality coffee and diverse drinks. Its location in commercial area, culture-related marketing,a nd story-telling marketing provides creatie experiences and promotes the brand's angel figure. These Korean coffee retailers are growing out to become international brands as they launch their first international chain.
This does not mean that all the people are changing their coffee taste from Starbucks to the new Korean competitors. Korean brand are striving through to promote their brand image.
My Opinion-
Starbucks has been the market leader for the coffee industry all over the world. As it entered the Korean market, it became a big hit and had brought the Korean's to change their lifestyles. Starbucks provide the consumers a new experience. Through this role model, Korea's coffee market started to grow with recognizable Korean coffee retailer such as Holly's and Angel-in-Us. These coffee retailers don't have such a strong image like Starbucks, but it is growing as the market open up for more potentials, as people are moving from instant coffee to premium espressos. The Korean economy has grown so that people look for more than jus a coffee but an experiene and comfortable atmosphere.
While the Korean coffee retailers start moving into the international market, it is important that it enhances its brand image that signifies its quality that is served through their coffee. The market itself have great potential to grow looking for "premium brands."
Entry #15
Source: The Korea Herald, Friday, June 13, 2008
"Coffee retailers go head-to-head with global brands"
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Small businesses say no to a dull office

AN electronic dance mat sits in the centre of the office at youth fitness firm Shokk. The mat - on which employees are encouraged to practise their dance moves on a daily basis - is just one of the many unusual ways in which the company uses its office space to inspire its staff.
Managing director Kieran Murphy believes the company’s dynamic workspace relates directly to its creative output.
As a result, employees are not limited to honing their dance skills; they are also actively encouraged to use skateboards to get round the office and to relax by flying remote-control planes above their desks.
The walls of the company’s 4,000 sq ft office in Newbury, Berkshire, are covered floor to ceiling with whiteboards on which staffs are encouraged to scribble their thoughts. Exony’s co-founder, Rex Dorricott, came up with the unique design after witnessing how a whiteboard in his own home encouraged his children to work on creating something visual together.
What was the main key for the success of Apple? It was definitely its unique design, I think. Then, how did they make that kind of whole different thing which had never been? That is the ‘Creativity’.
There are lots of marketing strategies that help the selling product, but not every item can be the star product. For achieving this goal ‘Creativity’ is critical. Therefore, more and more companies try to make employees think differently and make something special. As the article mentioned, the innovation for the office can make huge differences. According to psychologist Tom Stewart, the average person often experiences creativity or inspiration at unusual moments.
Having a defined kitchen of lounge area can be beneficial to staffs when they have spare time. They can use the time actively inside of the office, and through this, communications between the employees inspire each other and be creative. Unique design enables staff to come up with great products.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Hyundai Asan shifts focus to construction
Hyundai Asan expects to expand of its domestic construction business despite of whole economic slump. This time, Hyundai Asan has a big image through exclusive tour programs to Geumgang Mountain in generally. However, it has a risk because it was affected relations between South and North Korea. So they select construction business to avoid this risk, and its size of business has been increasing steadily. At last, it grow into similar level with North Korea tour programs.
They also expect that it will be the main business for Hyundai Asan, in the concrete it will be charge 45% of the total.
They were 135th ranking in construction contract in South Korea, however they hope to rise up to 110th.
Hyundai is one of the biggest groups in Korea and diversification like Samsung, LG. Hyundai structure business can grow depending on restoration business in 1950s. And it was the first group which broke into overseas expansion.
Hyundai changed their main business recently from programs related North Korea such as Geumgang tour, and gaeseong to domestic contracture.
I thought it had both good and bad point for success factors. To tell the truth, many Koreans still have prejudice or worries against North Korea, and they have expectation that they can come and go directly at once.
They plan to build its own brand to enter apartment business. Above all, it needs to strength its image as superior Structure Company. I think LG is the most successful company and Hyndai Asan has to make the high level and luxury life imagination. And it has to reinforce their business by selecting and concentration.
# 20300194- Entry 14
(Ref: Koreaherald/ by Kim Yoon-mi / June 06, 2008 )
Wal-Mart’s new merchandising focus
Wal-mart has improved merchandise, customer service showed up in better-than expected sales. After the new merchandising of Wal-mart, much more customers opened their wallets and spent their government check a lot at wal-mart. Wal-mart’s company officer thought that its faster, cleaner and friendlier approach to merchandising is resonating with shoppers in this challenging economy. They also started “save money, live better” campaign begun a year ago. That meant an emphasis on low prices while focusing on a more edited selection in an attractive selling environment.
As we could guess from that, wal-mart are targeting on the people who carefully look for low price products. From that, wal-mart reported a 3.9 percent increase in same store sales which was much higher than the analysts’ survey. Wal-mart is also focusing on offering the lowest prices on such big brands. As they started new merchandising, they even care where they display the products emphasizing major brands. They also try to improve their services as they train their employees.
In my opinion, wal-mart’s new merchandising focus has increasing their sales. It was the appropriate to change their marketing. As they segment people who strongly care about the price when they purchase something, they focus on the low price as their marketing strategy. Positioning that, they tried many ways to appeal those kinds of people and finally succeeded. These days, segmentation and position are two of the important strategies and those are actually very required.
LG, Samsung Ranked in World’s Most Respected
The Korean representative companies, LG Electroics and Samsung Electronics are chosen in the rating of World's most respected firms in Forbes Magzine. Forbes has done this research since 2006 and Toyota got the 1st place, followed by Google, IKEA, Johnson & Johnson, and so on.
They listed 200 firms and LGE and Samsung Electronics ranked 163(69.52) and 196(68.33). Top-ranker companies got over 80 point and the average of world was 64.2. This study can be obtained by only 60,000 domestic respondents. Especially, Samsung declines considerably in immorality of ownership.
As mentioned in the summary, Samsung and LG are leading Korean economy and their role is significant because their group has a lot of effects on their cooperation firms. For example, Kumi, located in Kyungbuk, is the city of LG, and almost all the products are from the LG. Besides this, Samsung and LG are of importance.
However, according to the study, they still mark low score comparing world class company. Samsung is the biggest semi-conductor marker and LG is one of the largest manufacturer of display(LCD, PDP). Why do they stay that level? Can you convince it?
In my opinion, their company culture can be the problems. They relate to many other less powerful companies. They never think of the other view and thought and insist only their things. How do any companies respect them? Moreover, they can grow with help of the power of political authority even now. I think those two companies' proper place is below 100 and actually their financial scale is near it. In case of Samsung, ownership scandal is problematic so their recovery of morality is the only way to respect from other companies.
#20300576 - Entry #13
(Ref. : Koreatimes, 6/6, By Jane Han Staff Reporter)
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Wal-Mart - Pharmacy!

'Sex and the City' Gives Urbanites NY State of Mind

Nowadays, Korean life style is changing a lot. Because of popular American TV series, many young ladies change their life style like the actress. They take after not only fancy accessories that appeared on TV, but also the character’s life style. Of course, life style between Korea and the USA is still different. However, it is getting closer, and the power which make closer is that kind of cultural contents. I think marketers get synergy if they mix the PPL, I introduced last week, with cultural contests. Above all, selling cultural contents are more powerful than selling just products. Korea can produce the best products; in fact lots of products are the first such as semiconductor and shipbuilding through high economic growth for last few decades. However we still have wide gap in cultural contents. Of course, we have made Korean wave among Asian country. But it is not power of marketing; it has relied on famous stars. We need to build up cultural power in order to spread our culture to all around world. As we don’t have natural recourses, therefore, what we develop lots of cultural contents is a way to alive completive world market
#20400251 #Entry14
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Intel to release low-cost laptop in the West
March 20, 2008 / Times Online / Jonathan Richards

Intel, the world's largest chip-maker, has said it will let Western consumers buy a low-cost laptop originally designed for poor children in the developing world.
The US technology giant said it would team up with PC makers to release a new version of its Classmate PC, which sells in developing countries for $285 (£144), in the US and Europe - possibly by Christmas.
Intel's new laptop, which has been trialled at schools in Texas, Oregon, and California, will join a string of low-cost computers to have entered Western markets in the past year. Asus's Eee PC, which retails for £215 in the UK, has been popular since going on sale at the end of last year, while Elonex, a British firm, last month unveiled a new cheap laptop called the One, which will cost just £99.
The main reason such machines are so cheap is that they run on open-source software such as Linux, meaning manufacturers don't have to pay licence fees to companies such as Microsoft. They also typically have smaller screens, run on older chips, and dispense with certain features, such as CD drives.
Having a low-cost competency is important. If the product is not something luxury, it becomes more reasonable. Just 50 years ago, people who have computer were very little. However, most of people in US or Europe have their own computer and it is related with them very tightly. At the same time, developing countries like Africa, India have been having difficult time buying a computer because of its high cost. To take away these kinds of problems, Intel release low-cost laptop.
There is a report said customers consider about the social responsibility that a company does when they invest or buy the products. For example, some people spend more money for the products which are more environmental friendly. According to the article, Intel wanted to make cheap laptop because they want to make the poor buy computer easily. This can make the brand value high, and then it brings the increase of selling.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Clothes giant plans female only store in Saudi Arabia
David Robertson in Sharm el Sheikh / The Times /May 23, 2008
Korea fashion industry stands at crossroads
Korea’s textile and fashion was important role in economic growth during 1970 and 80s, however it has limitation. It didn’t have production of quality and design, so it lost market in overseas as Europe and America because it appeared competition such as India and China that has cheaper labor.
Recently, Korea market has confidence because it has tried to have technology develop and market trends and creative designs. However, experts say that it’s not enough so Korean companies should try to strength their technology, quality, and design rather than low cost to win against Asian competitors. Enhancing brand values and strengthening marketing strategies is also important factor to Korean market. But many companies still didn’t recognize that.
The market has undergone big changes and many consumers pursue unique style and value now. There are two characters in Korean market: primarily domestically produced market and high level designer brands.
Korean customers are affected by imported brand names and higher prices with superior quality because they want to show their social status and wealth through wearing luxury brands.
The Korean fiber market has been important role to draw economic development for last 20 years. However it focused only low price through cheap labor so it couldn’t read trend and fail to meet the situation, I think it was the biggest mistake for losing market.
Korean cloth business get bigger and rapidly grower both online and offline.
To win the competitors such as china, we should develop new high-tech material. Because we can’t win competitors as low prices, so we focus on quality and design. Korea national name value is also important role for it. In fact our products are treated low value even though it has good quality because of lack of name value, I think.
For example, world people think Japan’s products are excellent and select them without hesitation. Like this, Korean fiber market strength its brand image and notify our excellent product. It is good way to hold international events regularly to hold spotlight.
Above all, local companies have to recognize importance about marketing strategy for their products. To success it, they can cooperate with local communities in various ways. It can give benefit to local company and community at once. And marketing strategy need to be more specific development through professional management mind.
# 20300194 - Entry 13
(Ref: Koreaherald / by Cho chun-un ( / May 30, 2008
The new CEO of Woori Financial Holding, Lee Pal-seung CEO of Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra, has promised to accelerate privatization and enhance its non-banking sector. At a press conference, he clearly mentioned the first priority of speeding up the privatization of the group and increasing its competitiveness. Also, he suggested it be a worldwide bank and M&A is a new alternative in achieving that goal. He knew its weakness of non-banking sector and will try to boosting securities and insurance.
He said it can make it through a unity between subsidiaries and he can help them derive best effiency. Moreover, he graduated Korea University where President Lee also did. He began with a banker at Hanil Bank and was at Woori Investment & Securities and then moved to the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra in 2005.
Woori Bank is the third biggest financial group(behind KB and Shinhan) in the market value. A heavy mission is given to the new CEO Lee Pal-seung due to complicated economic situation. We can summarize two strategies in his comment.
The first one is the privatization. In fact, Woori Financial Holdings is the sum of previous various banks and securities; for example Hanil Bank, Hanbit Bank, and LG Investment Securities. Therefore, the CEO should express their subsidaries' merits with the unity of them. But M&A can harm the unity so he will react this very carefully because M&A costs considerably and the effect on firm is very excessive.
And the second thing, non-banking sector, is very good because 자통법(Captial Market Integration Law) is executed in Feb 2009. Then, the Korean JP Morgan will be born and many financail group is preparing for this situation. Woori's Commercial Bank is very strong(1st place in Korea) so it has an enviornment expanding non-banking area.
Woori is very large and it can be bigger and bigger with CEO's sound business. We will notify the new CEO of Woori react this market situation.
#20300576 - Entry 12
(Source: Koreatimes, By Kim Jae-kyoung(Staff Reporter), 2008/05/29)
At best buy, Marketing goes Micro

20700011 entry#13
Authentic Relationship -
Today, market is full of products. Consumers face the over abundancy of products in all market and services. So many executives ask, "how to differentiate themselves with others." Today, it is important to create authentic relationship with customers.
Today, many companies use different strategy to do marketing for their products, from media to Internet advertising. The more advertisement people see, many loose their trust in the product/service or company itself. Apporaching customers became easier, however to gain their trust is not as easy. 21st century copany should work for authenticity, that can connect the firm and the consumers.
Before advertising nd sending our products, companies need to look back and see who theircustomers are, at te time. And think in a customers' point of view, if the product has any connection with them. Customers seek for connection and relationship.
My Opinion
I definitely agree that it is very important for a company to create true relationship with its customers. When we look back at our markets today, we have great abundancy of all products and services all over the world. If not available in one country, we can bring any product or service from other countries very easily. People today aren't seeking for the product and service itself, but for the value and connection it has with the company.
Personal service is very important. I, as a customer myself look for places where I feel comfortable and familiar with. When entering a service company, I see if I am recognized. Recognition plays a very important role, when the customer himself/herself feels that they are a loyal customer. For a product serving company, it is important for the company to bring the right products to the right customers.
Products and services are limited, however it creates great value when the have surpassed the expectation the consumer holds.
As we have learned in class, a loyal customer is better than a few new customer. So creating relationship with the right customers should be considered a great marketing strategy, especially in a market like we have today.
Entry #13
(Source: Business Week "How to Stand Out? Try Authenticity" May 28, 2008
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Product Advertisements in TV Dramas Go Subtle
(Reference: The Korea Times/By Jane HanStaff Reporter /05-29-2008)
BMW sedan and Infiniti coupe sale have increased because they have attracted customer’s attention through television drama. Nowadays, however, that kind of advertisements not only includes luxury goods like car but also is focusing on other small goods. In recently ended drama “On Air,” the main actor used espresso coffee machine. Since it exposures on TV frequently, the coffee machine sales jumped about 20 percent. And Daewoo Lucoms’ computer products have also increased their sale through TV drama. Among PPL advertisement, mobile phone is the most popular item. In 2004, Pantench & Curitel mobile phone sold their products more than 50,000 sets a month through SBS drama “Lovers in Pairs” And then their competitor such as LG and Samsung have used PPL like P&C. According to this article, television shows and dramas get about 40 percent of their production costs through PPL advertisement.
My Opinion
Nowadays, we live around lots of advertisement’s exposures. There are not only direct advertisements through TV and newspaper, but also indirect advertisement like PPL - we have seen in this article. Actually I am interested in automobile, but since I saw BMW car on TV drama “All in” as PPL, I like BMW sedan. And Samsung showed their products on the movie “Spider man” and “Matrix” Therefore, I think that they could enhance their value of brand.
I think PPL is Win-Win strategy because it is good for producer and advertiser. Producers are be able to make better quality film or drama through that kind of investment, and advertiser can inform their products directly or indirectly. Therefore, they can get many positive effects for their products through attractive characters on TV or a movie. However, indiscreet PPL advertisements lead to negative effects for their goods and programs. Many people blamed the movie which Jun ji hyeon appeared because they showed too many products. Therefore, I think PPL has pros and cons but if customers recognize that PPL is direct advertisement due to a rash use, PPL’s merit will be offset and it will be returned as drawback.
#20400251 Entry #13
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Disney- visual marketing
Celebrating Disneyland's 50th anniversary, they launched a online program called Virtual Magic Kingdom. In this website, Disneyland fans can experience the activities in Disney virtually, create avatars and play games to collect points and more. These points collegected through various online activities, can be actually used in real life. Disney boasted that there were million avatars created from this program itself. Many fans used this site to make friends, chat, and participate in programs such as the company's resort in California and Florida.
However, Disney announced that they will discontinue the use of this website. Because this website was just for the celebration of the 50th anniversary. It was just prolonged because of the high interest from the people. ManyDisney fans are against this act. 20,000 petitions were written and dozen people stood in front of Disney to protest. However, Diseny continues to pursue their decision and promote other programs that are offered with monthly fees.
My Opinion
I believe Virtual Magic Kingdom was a great program that Disney promoted. It was opened at the right time and the right place. Many people had access to Disneyland all over the world, and 50th anniversary had great meaning to the company and their fans.
However, Disney is trying to stop this online program because of its expenses and support of other programs available with a monthly fee. I believe that this will hurt Disney's image and many of its fans' wants and loyalty.
VMK is a free program, used by hundred and thousands of people all over the world. This is not a one on one relationship with Disney and the fan but a whole community activity. Disney fans' meet one another through online games and interact with one other. I believe that VMK is a great promotion to Disney. Rather than discontinuing this program that is so loved by many people, I believe that Disney should open it.
20,000 petition were signed against of this discontinuation. I believe that Disney has the obligation to fulfill world-wide consumers' want by charging a fee for this program and continuing it. As read in the article, programs were charged $9-10 dollars. The value of the VMK will determine the right price for the service provided. I believe that people with strong attachment to this program will pay the price for such experience and activity. This program is a great marketing that will keep many consumers attached to Disney. Disney isn't a place where people can go often or anytime. People need to invest time and money to enjoy themselves one day at Disneyland. The website keeps loyal customers, and also a promotion to the loyal customers with their points that can be actually used in real life.
I believe its a great program for the LOYAL consumers of Disneyland.
20600770 Entry #12
Friday, May 23, 2008
More Digital Ads Are Produced Offshore

More Digital Ads Are Produced Offshore
More and more companies try to give their works like digital advertisement to little-known company in developing countries.The benifits of this outsourcing trend include companies has created a digital promotion company called Prodigious which works with a stable of offshore providers. Most companies had hard time to find labors to feel their needs in USA. But they are finding their needs from the developing contries like Costa Rica. Because their time xones are compatible with those in the USA and they have high concentrations of English speaker and work experiences.
My opinion
outsourcing is one of good challenges for these days' companys. they don't have to spent too much money for the same work if they outsource their works to the developing countries. they could fill their needs from finding the people who just fit for their work. The market is getting bigger and bigger as transportaions and technologies become higher. Outsourcing companys' digital ads to developing company is one of the solution to reduce the cost of the marketing products because the companies can provide their goods to customers at more reasonable price.
20700011 entry#12
Samsung to showcase products ahead of Beijing Olympics
Aiming to solidify its image as a premium brand in China, Samsung Electronics Co. plans to demonstrate the latest of its cutting-edge products at a high-tech exhibition in Beijing.
The company said yesterday that it is participating in the China Beijing International High-Tech Expo 2008, an electronics industry fair running from today to Sunday.
Occupying 575 square meters of display space, the Korean company will introduce to Chinese customers a range of its products from a 70-inch LED-backlit LCD TV, TV sets with the most advanced display technology of organic light-emitting diodes.
Also on display are the world's smallest color laser printer which Samsung unveiled last month, and its Blu-ray players and full high-definition camcorders and cameras.
Coming during the run-up to the Olympic Games in August, the exhibition is seen as an opportunity to raise the profile of Samsung, one of the only 12 worldwide Olympic partners and the official sponsor for the games' mobile communication system.
Samsung will also bring to the tech fair a series of mobile phones specially developed and designed for the games as well as its global strategic model - the Soul.
By Lee Sun-young
Samsung is going to participate in Beijing International High-Tech Expo 2008 so as to enhance their premium brand image in China. And they are going to introduce the best display technology such as 70-inch LED backlit LCD TV. And they are also exhibiting color laser printer, which is the smallest in the world, Blu-Ray, camcorder and digital camera.
My Opinion
A few months ago, Samsung has been hit hard by unethical behavior in Korea. Even though they are still suffering from lots of tough situation, for example Chairman Lee has resigned from CEO; they are overcoming well as the best globalization conglomerate in Korea. They have recorded the best selling and have been able to outsmart Sony that is their competitor.
Where is Samsung’s power from? It is not that they are promoted the best global giant through the good products. I think what they have supported many international exhibits as part of brand marketing was important. When I have been to Eastern Europe, many Europeans don’t know Korea but know Samsung. I realized Samsung’s position as global company. Thus, the value of brand is beyond a nation. Therefore, I think other Korean firm, which works just in the domestic, should enhance their value of brand and go forward global.
# 20400251 Entry #12
Banks sell Special Products Aimed at Super Riches Only
Recentrly, banks are competitively launching investment products which target to super rich competitorly by product named PB-private banking. For example, Deutshce Investment Trust Management succeed to draw attention of wine dilettanate people who lived in Seoul through selling the premium wines produced in France’s Bordeaux.Banks sell these fund to only PB customer because it is too complicated for ordinary coustomer to understand. They also require subscrivers to invest at least 10 million won.Moreover some overseas equity funds are initially designed for PB customers. For example, there was KB Vietnam Focus fund. PB centers introduce super rich customers to private equity funds which composed of small sized investors.
In korea, there are so many products which target to only super rich customers in various areas from orninary products to finance service. It is getting bigger and more competitively. And it’s not critical matter any more. Markets for super rich weren’t damaged even during the ecomomic slump and it was certain attractive factor. Most of all, there are differences about purchase power between ordinary and super rich customers, and it's difficult factor to ingnore. In addition, it can make high level image. We can see those around us in common.
However it has negative image about Pb marketing because people feel relatively deprivation and it is deficit in present marktet situation. In bank there is VIP room and it is compared with general customer who wait a long time.It is not sufficient only interest rate competition among bank competitions, so it is expanding its competition to culture marketing.So it has to strenghten their brand image and offer product differentiation to maintain its customer in long-term point of view. And it needs to develop special products and provide service through keeping quality talet and pursuit customer satisfacton.
#20300194 -Entry 12
(Reference: The Korea Times / by Yoon Ja-young, staff Reporter / 05-19-2008 19: 13)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Pens that provide the write accessory
Lucia van der Post / The Times /May 23, 2008 © Copyright 2008 Times Newspapers Ltd

Of course, turning a hitherto mainly masculine large, black and gold object into a fashion accessory doesn't happen by chance. The marketing guys have worked hard. First, they brought out smaller versions to suit more dainty hands, so that whereas, not that long ago, 75 per cent of pens were sold to men, today the figure is about 50-50. They also consulted trend-predictors to make sure that they knew the fashion colours of the season and then brought out spring and autumn collections.
Then they tried to ally their pens with jewellery - Montblanc did it most spectacularly by encrusting some of their pens with jewels and by photographing them with the opera singer Katherine Jenkins, wearing fabulous Montblanc jewellery.
There is a famous phrase, 'Do not judge the book by its cover', but most of people in this world know that it is so hard to do. I have a friend who usually know someone's background and even personality by watching his or her possessions like watch, clothes or bags they are wearing. Because it can be an way to assume someone's position in the society.
From this reason, people seem to buy luxury things more and more for present themselves as a high-level person or rich. Nevertheless, it has been hard for pen to be a luxury symbol; it is just black and gold object for writing down something. The marketing guys have worked hard. They made a smaller version of it to suit people's hade easier and searched the trend of each season. Also, they made it something pretty and unique by adding jewelers so it definitely worked for the women.
Student ID # 20500018
Entrty # 12
Mobile Phones Become Interchangeable Between Carriers
Third-generation phone users of SKT and KTF can change the firms by July. The Korea Communications Commission(통신위원회) let the providers to release their USIM (Universal Subscriber Identity Module) chips a small computer chip inside cell phones. But LG Telecom is excluded from this service because of the problem of system. The USIM unlock will help customers to have more than one cell phones with a single USIM card. It will also make easy the trade of second handsets.
However, it is likely to break profits of the mobile firms, who have imposed a heavy entrance fee on new members. And KCC thought the consumers can buy the phone through a variety of ways.
KCC decided this since it is a global trend and our country can't keep it away. Therefore, the five directors of KCC agreed with this with unanimous approval.
There are 43million Korean mobile members. How large the market scale is! I will write down in a view of KTF because KTF’s market share is about 30% so it is necessary to increase it through aggressive marketing strategies.
First, KTF should emphasize their leading company of 3rd generation mobile company as it started early than SKT did. It also should announce their safety and various functions as first firm.
In addition, KT is its supporter; moreover, it is planed it will merge with KT. Then, their market power can overcome SKT's. Through these background(wire communication market:KT, mobie market : KTF), they can maximize their profit. Above all, they must change the image of public enterprise at firtst by improving their business structure especially in KT.
KTF can obtain more market share and keep 1st place in 3rd generation market though the former two strategies.
Entry 11 - #20300576
(Ref. The Korean Times, 05-22-2008, By Cho Jin-seo Staff Reporter)
Friday, May 16, 2008
SK Telecom makes foray into Chinese gaming market
SK Telecom-the nation’s top mobile carrier-entered the china which is the fast growing online gaming market. It contacts and make agreement about investment with Magicgrids Networks which is china-based company specializing in developing and publishing online games. China’s online gaming market has rapidly growth-82% between 2001 and 2007.
SK Telecom has participated in mobile services, music label and telematics company.
It aczuired a 42.2 percent skate in TR music co, and 65.52 percent skate in Shenzhen E-eye High Tech Co which is a global positioning system service company in China.
My opinion
I think it’s obvious that China online gaming market is a surely attractive market. It’s amazing figure which showed 82 percent exponential growths for just two years. How huge it was! Guess the market size of China gaming market, it’s not difficult that many companies went into China market. Through operating Magicgrids, SK expects to be Hub of Asia game, and I think that it’s not impossible.
However, it has to strength its strategy. Many corporations has participated in game market because game market has huge potential growth and it’s very high cost value business. But many corporations didn’t set proper strategy against game market. Because of market’s character, it is impossible to success without capability of business process, we saw many companies had failed even though their good game idea, and ability of production.
Online game market is different area with established areas, so they have to respond its rapidly changes to success in online game industry. I think SK Telecom has advantages based its huge fund ability, combination with capable business partners.
# 20300194 Entry-11
Reference: The Korean Herald /Friday, May 16, 2008
/By Jin Hyon-Joo (staff reporter

In 2005, General Motors had an idea of having electric-cars due to the high gas price. They had plans for new cars and product strategies, such as cars with lithium ion batteries that is capable of charging cell phones and laptops. GM did have ideas of creating such cars, but it was temporarily leased to certain number of people and not sold. It wouldnt have made any money for the company. In the other hand, Toyota created Pirus hybrid and created a brand image of being environmental friendly. They have created a car with no need of any fuel while GM was creating vehicles such as the Hummer, that consume great amount of fuel. Toyota won the greed cred.
In 2007, GM decided to create "newfangled electric car called, "the Chevrolet Volt." GM also pushed itself to create such vehicle by 2010. GM finally realized that gas price will not decrease and that these vehicles create pollution that affect global warming. GM is attempting to loose money and create cars that will do good for the environment. They are created planet-friendly and desirable vehicles for all.
My Opinion
How is GM's new production of vehicle related with marketing? I believe that GM's new strategy and idea creating new hybird cars is marketing brand image most of all. First of all, GM's cars were affecting the environment by the pollution created that the gas from the cars. The world is facing threats from global warming and pollution and as a responsible company GM considered created an environmental friendly vehicle so that the company and the consumers themselves feel more responsible with their driving and lifestyle.
Secondly, Toyota won the greed cred. Toyota gained the first-mover advantage by creating Prius. Toyota gained a brand image of innovation but also environment responsibility. Their production have no only increased customers attention but also the trust of the consumers. GM had to compete with a strong competitor, who has already gained name through the vehicle.
By creating hybrid cars- GM can gain more valuable image of its name. GM will be known for environmental friendly, and also efficient products (charging laptops and cellphones). This new product to come ahead will support GM's brand image.
Entry #11 - 20600770
Reference: "Cover Story - May 15, 2008 5:00PM EST"
"GM: Live Green or Die"
Hyundai Flexes Muscle Overseas
Kim Hyun-chul
(Staff reporter)
Hyundai Motors, the biggest automaker in Korea, expected the sales of produce overseas will be over that of the domestic one. It said its sales and export and net profit are increasing.
An analyst of it stated the risk of exchange rate let it manage difficultly but if the exchange rate were steady, its profit would be bigger and it's another reason of the expansion of foreign country. And the rate of foreign proportion was bigger until 2003(46.2%) and decrease to 45.6% in 2006. However, it established the second plants in China and India and is under construction in Czech Republic. Moreover, the maker is planning to apply diverse culturally sensitive marketing strategies to secure future competitiveness in the foreign market.
New products will have an important role in exports growth and in the forefront is Genesis, Hyundai Motor's recent model. Another new production, i30, is putting up a favorable reputation all over the world.
Hyundai Motor have a good strategy because the Korean market alreadly get saturated so it should pioneer the others market, world market. For these, it tried to understand other countries' culture and then it found new factories or planed to build. Through its trial, it can reduce the transportation cost comparing with the production in Korea. It will bring Hyundai recognition and competitiveness.
And it would like to develop a new product like i30 or Genises that must have new functions, comfort, and good design. If they attract foreign people and the people acknowledge them, its sales figure in the county will be bigger than before.
So, its desirable strategy will be continued. Through these, Hyundai Motors will get more market share in the world vehicle market.
#20300576 - Entry 10
Running in Empty
Running on Empty?
In this article, the RV industry is in the economic slump in these days. As oil price goes up, every transformation gets influenced by that. Therefore, the fare of the all kind of transportations becomes more expensive. It makes people not to travel much and stay home for the vacation. But if you have a vacation with the RV, Recreational Vehicle, it would be much cheaper than just traveling by normal transportation, because it is not only a vehicle but also a room to take a rest at night. It will save much money for the travel or any kind of vacation. It will help travelers save on hotels and appeal to those who prefer leisure and economy over glitz and speed.
My opinion
Traveling with the RV is a one of the best choice for the vacation. Because of the high oil price (gas price), wherever you go, it will cost much for the travel. RV car is made for the travel at a small cost. And it is very useful for anyone who wants to travel. it satisfies people who want to feel comfortable during the travel. if they plan a special marketing for this RV, the result of it would be amazing.
20700011 entry#11
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Steve Jobs Stakes Out the TV Den
Times By DAVID CARR Published: May 5, 2008
Does Apple can hit the monopoly shakes off from Microsoft management? Answer to that question would be yes. Recently, Apple has upgraded their product function to accelerate competition in movie and TV industry.
On Thursday, the company announced deals with 20th Century Fox, Walt Disney Studios, Warner Brothers, Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios Home Entertainment and Sony Pictures Entertainment, among others, to sell movies for download on iTunes on the same day they are released on DVD.
Difficulties that movie business have faced was to deal with such big fat video files that are harder to share than audio files, was able to watch and learn as the music industry shrank under the weight of pirated downloads and then reluctantly embraced a 99-cent solution from Mr. Jobs.
It seems like music companies still owned the songs; however, Apple owned everything else – including pricing, format, distribution and the influential stream of manufactured devices.
“Apple is just one piece of the puzzle as it relates to digital distribution,” Mr. Tsujihara, president of the Warner Home Entertainment Group, said. “They sell hardware and we sell software, and we had to come up with a pricing model that works for both parties and allows the consumer to legitimately access our content. The ultimate solution is coming up with a format that allows it to be played anywhere – in your car, your PlayStation, on your computer”
It’s more than one surprise when I see the creativity coming out of from Apple. When I-Pod hit on the rock recently, their improvement will never stop until strong competing company is introduced or proposed to be against with. It seems like we have to praise the convenient technology which has been boosted up on the skyrocket. However, we have to understand the decision that they would challenge to other business or industry. The homogeneous product competition last for short period of time nowadays so that people are struggling to figure out what ways they could face to break down with other companies. Categories are various and decision is left on your shoe. It’s rather you would wear them or just look at them like display out on the Athlete’s Foot Shop.
In addition to the handy product, the movie industry had always wanted to maintain custody of the user experience – in the theater, on home video and on television. Another main stream of Apple is to propose to use easiest possible way to reach users to be happy with. I think that is brilliant idea of Apple that only if you could pay less amount of money to download songs and movies on you iTunes and all you need to do is copying into your IPod or PMP etc. Smart enough to understand how fast the competition is firing, Blockbuster, the biggest movie rental business in the U.S., has eagerly to shake hands with Apple to receive some commoditization profits.
It will take some time. Many homes are still not ready to share digital files; download speeds are sporadic, and the DVD remains the format of choice. However, it’s the matter of time whether which company takes cover everything on this competition. Apple is the main character of today and I would rather put my money on Apple considering this marketing strategy.
#20400251 Entry #11
Guinness turns the tide after big increase in marketing by Diageo
Dominic Walsh / The Times /February 15, 2008 © Copyright 2008 Times Newspapers Ltd.

Sales volumes of the stout rose by 3 per cent in the UK for the six months to December 31 compared with a fall of about 5 per cent in the overall beer market. It was the first rise in sales of Guinness since 2005. Volumes in Ireland, which had fallen sharply in recent years, were flat despite the overall market declining.
Shares of Diageo rose by 47p - almost 5 per cent - to £10.81, the biggest increase in the FTSE 100. The company reiterated its forecast of full-year underlying operating profit growth of 9 per cent.
Having a good brand image is crucial in marketing. Marketers make people buy their product only by having recognition of their brand name. It revealed in this article as well.
Paul Walsh, chief executive of Guinness, said” We continue to look at all our options, but the last thing I want to do is harm the provenance and heritage of the Guinness brand.”
Guinness' advertising campaigns in European countries were popular on websites such as YouTube. This contributed to get high image of brand.
Student ID # 20500018
Entry # 11
Friday, May 9, 2008
Hyundai Thanks Chile EXPO Support
Reference : The Korean Times(Internet)/By Kim Hyun-cheol, Staff Reporter/05-09-2008 16:59)
Kum Ho tire, the second biggest tire production firm in Korea, is accelerating its expansion in overseas market as they are challenged by the current competitive market situation which is changing very rapidly.
Their expansion is not only targeting Asia countries but also American market which is the biggest in the world.
The chairman of Kum Ho tire is seeing his company's successful enlargement as the only and the best key to survive among other competitors and he's trying to achieve this goal by minimizing cost of production both in overseas and domestically. He also commented on the current price raise and it was because of increased cost of factors of production and he promised that he will invest more money to make the production process more environmentally friendly.
These days, the world is becoming smaller and smaller as the globalization shortens the distance among countries. As the reciprocal relationships between countries are getting stronger and stronger, they are more less-independent and more relying on one another. Especially for multinational companies, the importance of overseas market sometimes exceeds their domestic market because they find more demand there. Kum Ho tire has also found out that expanding their business in overseas is unavoidable as they see rapid demand increase in overseas market and they are doing it because they believe that their enlargement is the best way of producing high quality products at the lowest costs. I believe Kum Ho tires’ strategy is very appropriate and pioneering because world tire market is very competitive and it’s really hard to catch up if you fail to follow the market trend which is changing really quickly.
In my opinion, Kum Ho is very likely to experience successful years for at least next few years as their expansion allows them to produce good quality tires at lower costs. Also, Kum Ho’s reputation is increasing swiftly as more and more F1 machines are using their tires so people in overseas are very interested in and actually more and more people are willing to purchase Kum Ho. Therefore, I strongly believe that Kum Ho’s business expansion in overseas is very brilliant and will bring out a great result.
#20300576 - Entry 9
Virgin Media reduces losses
Douglas Hamilton / The Herald / 09 May2008
© All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

The Hampshire-based cable company has reduced its monthly "churn rate" - the measure of customers dropping the group's service - to 1.2% during the first three months of 2008.
Virgin Media also added 4900 net new cable customers - its third successive quarter of customer growth despite the seasonally-quieter post-Christmas period.
The company said better billing systems and value for money had helped it retain more customers. Although cable revenues were 3% down to £618.2m year-on-year because of pricing competition, the decline slowed compared to previous quarters.
Acccording to the article, Virgin Media said it has cut its losses by introducing better billig systems and value for money had helped it retain more customers. Although cable revenues were 3% down to £618.2m year-on-year because of pricing competition, the decline slowed compared to previous quarters.Especially, it is really hard for any company to reduce its monthly 'churn rate'; because, it is based on customers' change of mind. Therefore, this fact shows that customer responsiveness and value for money can make the change.
Student ID # 20500018
Entry # 10
E-Mart looks to direct sourcing.
(By Yoo Soh-jung Korea Herald correspondent)
E-Mart is the largest discount store chain in Korea. Shinsegae announced plans to steadily increase direct purchasing, and it is diversifying sourcing market for hypermarket in SHENZHEN, china.
It’s easy for consumers to have better quality goods at a lower cost. That’s why the company’s direct management and control of the goods. It helps to expand private label brands and to strength price competitiveness. Last year, direct purchasing totaled 110 billion won and 305 product categories.
E-Mart was the first discount store chain using the direct purchasing approach which began in 2003 in China. It’s possible to purchase 20-30% cheaper than others.
My opinion
The E-Mart advance into China was a proper countermove against a saturated Korea market then. There are so many competitors in Korea already. Such attempt, however, might have big risk about failure at that time. Huge success, a saturated market in Korea, and attractive China market were factors drawing that result.
I think E-Mart strategies were proper to China’s situation-socialism, Chinese consumption pattern, market trade way and so on. I remember seeing TV program about E-Mart advance into China and its success progress about strategy to be local market. It was very impressed to me.
The direct management allows E-mart to offer cheap price and better quality goods through remove other complicated procedure.
It has many advantages, for example, know-how, low price, service, friendly image about Korea. At that time, there are some worried factors- huge competitors, late entrance. It needs more brand development against famous competitors.
I think it has meaning itself as the first corporation into China and it lead to other company’s entrance into China. Its success is good information and data for others.
# 20300194- Entry 10
Why Yahoo Shares Lost Only 15%
Why Yahoo Shares Lost Only 15%
After Microsoft walked away from Yahoo, everyone predicted that yahoo’s share will decrease A LOT. At that time, Yahoo’s share diminished a lot. As times goes by Yahoo’s share increasing. The price of Yahoo’s share is getting better and better. Yahoo’s share lost only 15%, now. The analyst Collins Stewart is wondering about that, too. They predict that working with Google is one of the important factors which prop up the yahoo’s stock. As yahoo’s stock price gets better, the CEO, Yang says “ Even though it was done in an environment with a lit of overhang from Microsoft, we demonstrated a lit of good progress, and I feel we are doing better than before in terms of executing.”
My opinion
It can be a good turning point for Yahoo. Even if the stock price fell down little bit, it was a course which yahoo has to pass by one day for independent by itself. Yahoo couldn’t depend on Microsoft forever. They could check out their intrinsic value from this time. They have big intrinsic value which is not showed outside. It was the biggest reason that their share lost only 15%. They made a good brand image through this happening. People would have predicted that Yahoo would fall off. However, this happening show that Yahoo is not the company that is so weak that can’t stank by itself. The most important thing is keeping or upgrading this good image of Yahoo in the future.
Bussinessweek Special Report May 6, 2008, 12:01AM EST
Hof is BusinessWeek's Silicon Valley bureau chief
20700011 entry# 10
Advertisement Twist
Many companies make advertisement in many different ways. For example when Oprah Winfrey gave out free automobiles to her audience in her show she made BIG advertisement of her program. However, the car company didn't, people barely remember the what type of brand car she gave out, which was Pontiac. Advertisement needs to be creative and innovative, and people use it when they feel like it will grab the audiences' attention. BUT, it's important that the advertisement have relevance to product and to the audience to do the right advertisement.
Quizno, a sub sandwich company made advertisement that had rats as their representative. Sub sandwich = rodents, called Spongmonkeys? View the Quizno Advertisement. It did grab the audience's attention but the advertisement affected in a different way as planned. People thought of the rodents when seeing the company's product, which wasn't good because it was a food product. Sales have decreased 20-30%.
Marketing is a effective tool, however it can be uneffective when its not used right. Rather doing brand promotion, it would not affect the product and company but can even hurt them. Marketers needs to think how ad can affect them, and use them wisely.
My Opinion
Marketing is such an important part of a company and product sales. Marketing is the tool to create value to the consumer and differentiate its product with others. It plays a big part in creating the premium cost, where it reaches the consumers' perception.
Advertisement is a big part of marketing, which is one of the most effective tool among it. Advertisement can easily grab the attention from the audience, and can last a long time. This advertisement can make the consumer want the product right away, but it can also affect later when the consumers pass by the store or have a situation to buy the product. Preferences change.
Advertisement can grab the attention of the consumer, but its more important that they have relevance to the consumers. Although advertisement is innovative and wanting to try it out to promote their brand, its important it is the right way to advertise their brand. It may bring harm.
Entry #10 - 20600770