There are some issues that the Motorola cannot see their cores of the problems. In the solutions they have suggested, they have only story about the company not about the product and customer.
Not 'company', but 'product'
According to article 'Motorola: It's the phone' in Fortune, "The problem is the phone not the business. Separating the company cannot solve the problem." It is a critic about Motorola's action which is centered in developing the company not in superior competitive or using human sources.
Not 'RAZR', but 'platform'
It is down on Motorola's philosophy of product. Motorola made a 'RAZR' which has been a star mobile phone in the world but they missed platform which could make efficient and systematic mobile products. When Motorola made 'RAZR', Nokia has mastered the know-how of software platform and have enlarged a market share. The key to success of business was proven that it is the pursuit of standard and efficient not the event in success of one product.
Not '20th Century', 'but '21st Century'
The company which plans their blue print by understanding 21st employees can remain, but the company which concentrates on 'asset value' not on 'a man of ability' will go down. Motorola is expected that they are going to spent lots of time finding a new leader of separated mobile phone branch and setting up the company.
In modern market it is required that the understanding of a man of ability and having a innovation process together.
There are a lot of temptations like short-term company's evaluation, the success of product, decision according to the profit and power.
According to a text ‘Strategic Management (Charles W.L. Hill & Gareth R.Jones)’, to have a competitive advantage, there are four building blocks.
First, ‘Superior efficiency’ can make it. The more efficient the company is, the fewer the inputs required to produce a given output.
Second, ‘Superior quality’ can make it. A product is said to have superior quality when customers perceive that its attributes provide them with higher utility than the attributes of products sold rivals. Quality is just as relevant to services as it is to goods.
Third, ‘Superior innovation’ can make it. Innovation refers to the act of creating new products or processes. Process innovation is the development of a new process for producing products and delivering them to customers. They give company something unique – something its competitor’s lack.
Last, ‘Superior customer responsiveness’ can make it. A company must be able to do a better job than competitors of identifying and satisfying its customers’ needs. Customer response time takes for a good to be delivered or a service to be performed.
- 20500018 Entry # 4
Friday, March 28, 2008
"Spring Fruit Event of Family Mart"
상큼한 과일먹고 순금, 영화·공연티켓 챙겨라
고뉴스 기자 / 2008-03-28 17:01
4월을 맞아 편의점 '훼미리마트'가 오는 31일부터 다음달 27일까지 ‘과일 대축제’ 이벤트와 KT와 함께 하는 현금영수증 이벤트 등 다양한 봄철 행사를 준비했다. 우선 훼미리마트는 삼각김밥, 천냥김밥, 샌드위치, 햄버거 등 신선식품과 함께 유제품, 혼합차 등 음료를 세트로 구성한 '4월 아침愛세트'를 최고 40%가량 저렴하게 선보일 계획이다. 또 신한 '아침愛카드'로 결제하는 고객은 추가 20%까지 할인이 가능해 최고 52%까지 할인 받을 수 있다.훼미리마트는 전국 3800여 매장에서 대표적인 봄 과일인 딸기를 비롯해 감귤, 바나나, 파인애플 맛 파이, 스낵, 캔디, 우유, 음료, 아이스크리, 립밤 등 20여종의 다양한 봄철 상품을 판매한다. 행사 상품을 구매하면 OK캐쉬백을 적립한 고객에게는 추첨을 통해 다양한 경품을 제공할 예정이다. 또한 KT와 공동으로 현금영수증 이벤트를 실시한다. 전국 매장에서 5천원 이상 구매 후 현금영수증을 발급받아 훼미리카트 홈페이지에 응모하면 추첨을 통해 다양한 경품을 받을 수 있다. 이번 '과일대축제'와 현금영수증 이벤트에 참여한 고객에게는 추첨을 통해 순금골드바(5명), 커플 저금통(300명), 계산기(300명) 등 딸기 팬시 제품, 딸기농장 체험여행권(60명), 딸기테마파크 무료 입장권(20명), 영화예매권(3000명) 등 다양한 경품을 증정한다. 이뿐만이 아니다. 훼미리마트는 4월을 문화의 달로 지정, 문화마케팅 행사를 강화하고 나섰다. 훼미리마트 4월 행사 상품을 구매 또는 참여한 고객에게 영화 ‘눈에는 눈, 이에는 이’ 예매권, 넌버벌 퍼포먼스 ‘The Family’ 초대권과 세계적인 뮤지컬 ‘캣츠’ 초대권을 증정한다. 훼미리마트 관계자는 "편의점에서 스낵, 캔디 등 저가 상품을 구입하고도 순금 등의 고가경품을 비롯한 다양한 문화행사를 즐길 기회가 주어지는 점에 젊은층 소비자들의 호응도가 높다"고 설명했다. [먼저 본 세상 바꾸는 미래, 고뉴스TV]
My Opinion
In the article, Family Mart is planning “spring fruit event” for this coming April. They are going to make “Morning Set” which is composed of gimbab, hamburger, tea, and milk and so on. They will also put many kinds of fruits in their shops. After they pay for the product at Family Mart, they can apply for the event with the recipes.
In my opinion, Family Mart tries to make big change at convenience store. They are focusing on morning foods and fresh fruits. Both of them are rarely tried at convenience store. Many people think that convenience store is for snack or drink simply. But with Family Mart’s tryout, the image of convenience store will be changed. People can get good foods and fresh fruits from the convenience store anytime. I think this is very fresh marketing. The event is very creative, too. Because people don’t usually buy expensive stuff at convenience store, but some people who apply for the event can get Pretty expensive stuff like Musical tickets, gold and jewelry. This marketing will be a very new tryout for changing the image of the convenience store.
Entry4 20700011
상큼한 과일먹고 순금, 영화·공연티켓 챙겨라
고뉴스 기자 / 2008-03-28 17:01
4월을 맞아 편의점 '훼미리마트'가 오는 31일부터 다음달 27일까지 ‘과일 대축제’ 이벤트와 KT와 함께 하는 현금영수증 이벤트 등 다양한 봄철 행사를 준비했다. 우선 훼미리마트는 삼각김밥, 천냥김밥, 샌드위치, 햄버거 등 신선식품과 함께 유제품, 혼합차 등 음료를 세트로 구성한 '4월 아침愛세트'를 최고 40%가량 저렴하게 선보일 계획이다. 또 신한 '아침愛카드'로 결제하는 고객은 추가 20%까지 할인이 가능해 최고 52%까지 할인 받을 수 있다.훼미리마트는 전국 3800여 매장에서 대표적인 봄 과일인 딸기를 비롯해 감귤, 바나나, 파인애플 맛 파이, 스낵, 캔디, 우유, 음료, 아이스크리, 립밤 등 20여종의 다양한 봄철 상품을 판매한다. 행사 상품을 구매하면 OK캐쉬백을 적립한 고객에게는 추첨을 통해 다양한 경품을 제공할 예정이다. 또한 KT와 공동으로 현금영수증 이벤트를 실시한다. 전국 매장에서 5천원 이상 구매 후 현금영수증을 발급받아 훼미리카트 홈페이지에 응모하면 추첨을 통해 다양한 경품을 받을 수 있다. 이번 '과일대축제'와 현금영수증 이벤트에 참여한 고객에게는 추첨을 통해 순금골드바(5명), 커플 저금통(300명), 계산기(300명) 등 딸기 팬시 제품, 딸기농장 체험여행권(60명), 딸기테마파크 무료 입장권(20명), 영화예매권(3000명) 등 다양한 경품을 증정한다. 이뿐만이 아니다. 훼미리마트는 4월을 문화의 달로 지정, 문화마케팅 행사를 강화하고 나섰다. 훼미리마트 4월 행사 상품을 구매 또는 참여한 고객에게 영화 ‘눈에는 눈, 이에는 이’ 예매권, 넌버벌 퍼포먼스 ‘The Family’ 초대권과 세계적인 뮤지컬 ‘캣츠’ 초대권을 증정한다. 훼미리마트 관계자는 "편의점에서 스낵, 캔디 등 저가 상품을 구입하고도 순금 등의 고가경품을 비롯한 다양한 문화행사를 즐길 기회가 주어지는 점에 젊은층 소비자들의 호응도가 높다"고 설명했다. [먼저 본 세상 바꾸는 미래, 고뉴스TV]
My Opinion
In the article, Family Mart is planning “spring fruit event” for this coming April. They are going to make “Morning Set” which is composed of gimbab, hamburger, tea, and milk and so on. They will also put many kinds of fruits in their shops. After they pay for the product at Family Mart, they can apply for the event with the recipes.
In my opinion, Family Mart tries to make big change at convenience store. They are focusing on morning foods and fresh fruits. Both of them are rarely tried at convenience store. Many people think that convenience store is for snack or drink simply. But with Family Mart’s tryout, the image of convenience store will be changed. People can get good foods and fresh fruits from the convenience store anytime. I think this is very fresh marketing. The event is very creative, too. Because people don’t usually buy expensive stuff at convenience store, but some people who apply for the event can get Pretty expensive stuff like Musical tickets, gold and jewelry. This marketing will be a very new tryout for changing the image of the convenience store.
Entry4 20700011
Samsung Culture Foundation’s museum for kids
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Museum for kids!
Everywhere you go, you can encounter a Samsung because it is the largest conglomerate operation in many business areas both in Korea and worldwide. Especially, Samsung Electronics ranked as the top 20 best brands in the world.
Samsung was founded in 1936 and managed by family management from Lee Byung-Chul to Lee kun-hee. So they have big power and influence in Korea.
In 1995, Samsung culture Foundation opened Samsung Children’s Museum. The main goal is to educate children to be creative and have experiences-“Exploration and Expression” So many programs which was revolved with this theme stimulate children to have a curiosity, passion.
And these programs are offered for all age levels. Addition, there is also the “kid’s Club” It is possible for parents and children to spend time together. They can have great time and work together. There are four interesting programs-cooking storytelling, magic show, and so on.
Samsung is the one of the biggest groups in Korea. Samsung Group has tried to enhance its brand power by expanding their business. Most of business, they already have a specific results. Samsung try to build relationship between Samsung and public. To build a good relationship, it needs to approach the public in so many ways. Many Ads which was related Samsung make us have good image to Samsung, and also familiar feelings. In recently, children are important factors in Market. There are so many businesses which are related with children. The market size for the children has grown and will be having more grows.
I think Samsung Children’s museum has proper targets and time. First of all, the new way is was fresh. It was the first attempt that children could touch with hands and played with it by themselves without obstruction. Not only person but also groups are welcomed. Indeed, people who were experienced the museum have good reputation about it, and they shared their feeling through various blogs or clubs. Parents want to give beautiful memory kids and the museum is perfect where they can achieve their goals- it provides entertainments as well as educations.
I think that maintaining customers needs to plan more projects to strength participations. During vacation, for examples, camps which have some special subjects can appeal to children-play, musical, films and so on. That’s why they want to experience various things and have something that can satisfaction their curiosity.
Entry4 - 20300194
Museum for kids!
Everywhere you go, you can encounter a Samsung because it is the largest conglomerate operation in many business areas both in Korea and worldwide. Especially, Samsung Electronics ranked as the top 20 best brands in the world.
Samsung was founded in 1936 and managed by family management from Lee Byung-Chul to Lee kun-hee. So they have big power and influence in Korea.
In 1995, Samsung culture Foundation opened Samsung Children’s Museum. The main goal is to educate children to be creative and have experiences-“Exploration and Expression” So many programs which was revolved with this theme stimulate children to have a curiosity, passion.
And these programs are offered for all age levels. Addition, there is also the “kid’s Club” It is possible for parents and children to spend time together. They can have great time and work together. There are four interesting programs-cooking storytelling, magic show, and so on.
Samsung is the one of the biggest groups in Korea. Samsung Group has tried to enhance its brand power by expanding their business. Most of business, they already have a specific results. Samsung try to build relationship between Samsung and public. To build a good relationship, it needs to approach the public in so many ways. Many Ads which was related Samsung make us have good image to Samsung, and also familiar feelings. In recently, children are important factors in Market. There are so many businesses which are related with children. The market size for the children has grown and will be having more grows.
I think Samsung Children’s museum has proper targets and time. First of all, the new way is was fresh. It was the first attempt that children could touch with hands and played with it by themselves without obstruction. Not only person but also groups are welcomed. Indeed, people who were experienced the museum have good reputation about it, and they shared their feeling through various blogs or clubs. Parents want to give beautiful memory kids and the museum is perfect where they can achieve their goals- it provides entertainments as well as educations.
I think that maintaining customers needs to plan more projects to strength participations. During vacation, for examples, camps which have some special subjects can appeal to children-play, musical, films and so on. That’s why they want to experience various things and have something that can satisfaction their curiosity.
Entry4 - 20300194
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Apple - itunes

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Apple is building plans to give iPod and iPhone users free access to iTunes if they are willing to pay higher price. Currently the cheapest iPod is charged $49 while iPhone starts with $399. The price may jump up, while Apple is planning to pay about $2o per device for access to their music libraries.
There has been pros and cons. There has been arguments saying if ipod users had free access, it will be giving away songs of artists and etc.
Competition in this industry is fly high. From Nokia to Neil Corporation, every company is finding ways to provide their customers with their best, to help them access to the downloads they need and want. Apple is on its way to find what its customer is waiting for, free access to music.
Apple is today's sky rocketing company. After Steve Jobs returned to Apple, he's been creating magic, raising Apple to the #2 music retailer right after Wal-Mart. iPod has been a great invention, creating lifestyle to customer's life. The creation of iPhone is also a big hit. iTunes was a supplementary business where users can find music for their devices in it. What if it was free?
I believe by making iTunes accessible, devices sales will fly through the roof. It will be a easier access and a great option supporting the devices when sold. Although prices will a little bit higher, its worth buying giving an extra 20, if it'll give easier access to NEEDS.
I think Apple made a great brand name. iPod, iPhone, iTune. Easy words but they remain in thoughts of customers. They have created lifestyle. Many people carry iPod with them for music and a space of their own.
If Apple did get through with the deals with music company, Apple will be unbeatable competition to any other company. This is a great opportunities to make Apple to makes it fans like Macintosh.
Entry - 4 20600770
Apple is building plans to give iPod and iPhone users free access to iTunes if they are willing to pay higher price. Currently the cheapest iPod is charged $49 while iPhone starts with $399. The price may jump up, while Apple is planning to pay about $2o per device for access to their music libraries.
There has been pros and cons. There has been arguments saying if ipod users had free access, it will be giving away songs of artists and etc.
Competition in this industry is fly high. From Nokia to Neil Corporation, every company is finding ways to provide their customers with their best, to help them access to the downloads they need and want. Apple is on its way to find what its customer is waiting for, free access to music.
Apple is today's sky rocketing company. After Steve Jobs returned to Apple, he's been creating magic, raising Apple to the #2 music retailer right after Wal-Mart. iPod has been a great invention, creating lifestyle to customer's life. The creation of iPhone is also a big hit. iTunes was a supplementary business where users can find music for their devices in it. What if it was free?
I believe by making iTunes accessible, devices sales will fly through the roof. It will be a easier access and a great option supporting the devices when sold. Although prices will a little bit higher, its worth buying giving an extra 20, if it'll give easier access to NEEDS.
I think Apple made a great brand name. iPod, iPhone, iTune. Easy words but they remain in thoughts of customers. They have created lifestyle. Many people carry iPod with them for music and a space of their own.
If Apple did get through with the deals with music company, Apple will be unbeatable competition to any other company. This is a great opportunities to make Apple to makes it fans like Macintosh.
Entry - 4 20600770
LG Enhancing Brand Image
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LG Group is trying to enhance its brand name by making simpler its public relations structure so as to save time and energy. The group’s public relations department will be responsible for brand strategy management and it create a “brand management council” including LG Electronics, LGT, and LG Chem.
The body will be altered to a decision-making unit and the group began a new brand identity on its 61st anniversary and it implies “love” and the strength and heritage. Moreover, it also keeps a existing images of familiarity and sophisticated level.
Finally, its main affiliates are still making efforts to improve their brand images from all over its merchandise to win the competition with the foreign firms.
LG is the one of the biggest group in Korea but it separated into several Group, LG, GS, and LS to concentrate on Electronic, Chemistry, and Telecom Industry. And especially it led Korean economic development in part of Electronic and Chemistry. Therefore it represented Korean recent development.
It now wants to leap to the outstanding global company and its goal sales figure is 10 billion won this year. So it wants to change the brand image more valuable. In fact, the most Koreans consider the brand as worthless but to compete with the foreign company a polished brand is necessary. Its strategy is very proper because it first tried to change the image and keep the previous one. The changed image can capture the overseas market considerably and this image can make LG safer because the perseverance of the reinforcement of previous brand can keep original customer by integrating the old one.
In conclusion, LG Group will be placed on the first or second firm in Korea as well as expanding overseas. Lasting increases in the brand value make it the main global firm and it can deserve those. Despite of a long history, it attempts to renovate continously so that it is the only existing one group in the main Korean grorp for 60 years. Its this mind can make it more valuable so its tomorrow will be better than its today and yesterday.
Entry 3 - 20300576
LG Group is trying to enhance its brand name by making simpler its public relations structure so as to save time and energy. The group’s public relations department will be responsible for brand strategy management and it create a “brand management council” including LG Electronics, LGT, and LG Chem.
The body will be altered to a decision-making unit and the group began a new brand identity on its 61st anniversary and it implies “love” and the strength and heritage. Moreover, it also keeps a existing images of familiarity and sophisticated level.
Finally, its main affiliates are still making efforts to improve their brand images from all over its merchandise to win the competition with the foreign firms.
LG is the one of the biggest group in Korea but it separated into several Group, LG, GS, and LS to concentrate on Electronic, Chemistry, and Telecom Industry. And especially it led Korean economic development in part of Electronic and Chemistry. Therefore it represented Korean recent development.
It now wants to leap to the outstanding global company and its goal sales figure is 10 billion won this year. So it wants to change the brand image more valuable. In fact, the most Koreans consider the brand as worthless but to compete with the foreign company a polished brand is necessary. Its strategy is very proper because it first tried to change the image and keep the previous one. The changed image can capture the overseas market considerably and this image can make LG safer because the perseverance of the reinforcement of previous brand can keep original customer by integrating the old one.
In conclusion, LG Group will be placed on the first or second firm in Korea as well as expanding overseas. Lasting increases in the brand value make it the main global firm and it can deserve those. Despite of a long history, it attempts to renovate continously so that it is the only existing one group in the main Korean grorp for 60 years. Its this mind can make it more valuable so its tomorrow will be better than its today and yesterday.
Entry 3 - 20300576
Monday, March 24, 2008
Hyundai Superbowl ads improved brand awareness
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My Opinion
Last week, I have seen Hyundai’s brand new car named ‘Genesis’ when I came to visit to Seoul.
Due to ‘Genesis’ has become an issue of mass communication, I carefully researched on it.
I personally think that Genesis is as good as the imported motors design.The fact that we have tested crashing ‘Genesis’ to ‘Audi A8’ through the commercial gives the attraction to prefer in purchasing ‘Genesis’ compared to other products. I was curious about how the ‘Genesis’ could perform in America which had struck in marketing strategy in Korea. I am really impressed on Hyundai’s marketing strategy which was motivated by most popular Super-Bowl commercial of protesting in BMW and Benz Mercedes specification. It seems to be successful in Hyundai’s marketing strategy to give incentive to customers by using the quotation ‘Think About It’ which explains combination of performance of BMW 7 series and cost of BMW 3 series. The corporation enhances the ability to produce good quality products with low cost. However, it is the ultimate power of marketing to give impression to customers.
#20400251 - Entry4
My Opinion
Last week, I have seen Hyundai’s brand new car named ‘Genesis’ when I came to visit to Seoul.
Due to ‘Genesis’ has become an issue of mass communication, I carefully researched on it.
I personally think that Genesis is as good as the imported motors design.The fact that we have tested crashing ‘Genesis’ to ‘Audi A8’ through the commercial gives the attraction to prefer in purchasing ‘Genesis’ compared to other products. I was curious about how the ‘Genesis’ could perform in America which had struck in marketing strategy in Korea. I am really impressed on Hyundai’s marketing strategy which was motivated by most popular Super-Bowl commercial of protesting in BMW and Benz Mercedes specification. It seems to be successful in Hyundai’s marketing strategy to give incentive to customers by using the quotation ‘Think About It’ which explains combination of performance of BMW 7 series and cost of BMW 3 series. The corporation enhances the ability to produce good quality products with low cost. However, it is the ultimate power of marketing to give impression to customers.
#20400251 - Entry4
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