창업? 작은 가게라도 ‘철학’은 있어야 한다
양식의 맨 위
[2008-04-04 17:33:58]
기업의 연쇄도산, 임금지급 지연, 소비둔화, 경기침체 등 모든 악재가 겹치고 온 나라가 불안했던 IMF시절, 유독 손님들로 북새통인 가게가 있었다. 바로 명동의 ‘틈새’라면. 이 가게는 손님이 많은 정도가 아니라, 몇 평 되지도 않는 가게를 꽉 채우고도 가게 밖에 일렬로 줄까지 서서 라면을 기다릴 만큼 장사가 잘됐다.
틈새라면의 김복현 사장은 20년 동안 40만 그릇 이상 라면을 끓이며 체득한 ‘경험 마케팅’을 실천해 온 인물. 김 사장이 10평도 안되는 가게의 사장에서 대형 프랜차이즈를 운영할 수 있던 원동력은 첫째, 상품의 본질을 충실히 구현하고 고객만족을 최우선으로 생각했다는 점, 둘째, 최고의 맛을 일관되게 유지하기 위해 원재료의 품질은 항상 최고만을 고집했다는 사실이다. 라면의 주 원료인 고추 등은 수확기에 동일지역에서 일괄 구매는 노력을 아끼지 않았던 것. 셋째는 단순한 제품이 아니라 문화와 경험을 파는 감성마케팅 지향한 점을 꼽았다.
“틈새에서는 라면을 ‘빨계떡’, 물을 ‘오리방석’이라고 부릅니다. 작은 가게지만 언어를 통일시키고 룰을 만들어 운영했어요. 마케팅의 일환이기도 했지만 제가 정한 장사철학이었던 거죠. 처음 가게를 찾은 어느 회사 간부 한 분이 ‘물’을 달라고 했고, 서로의 자존심을 못 버리고 얼굴을 붉혔던 적이 있었습니다”.
하지만 그 다음날 그 상사가 보냈다는 몇 명의 부하 직원들이 다시 김 사장의 가게를 찾았다. ‘틈새라면을 한번 가봐라. 가게는 작아도 주인장의 자존심 하나만큼은 배울 만하다.’라고 했다는 것. 그 상사는 순간적으로 화가 났어도 작은 가게의 영업 방식을 좋게 평가했던 것이다.
맛깔컨설팅의 이상화 소장이 쓴 ‘음식점 전략 노트’(푸른솔)란 책에서 보면 10평 남짓한 생삼겹살집의 한 사장의 일화가 소개되어있다. “하루 100만원을 넘게 파는 사장님에게 비결을 물어 특별히 비싼 고기를 사용하는 것도 아니고 특별한 맛의 노하우가 있는 것 같지 않은데, 장사가 왜 이렇게 잘 되지요”라고 물으니 ‘고객이 고추장을 찾지 않아도 고추장을 갖다준다’는 말씀을 하시는 거예요. 꽤 오래전에 한 번 왔다간 고객이 생삼겹살과 함께 고추장을 별도로 시켜먹는 상황을 정확히 기억해서 두 번째 찾아 왔을 때는 고객이 따로 시키지 않아도 고추장을 갖다 주는 서비스를 한다는 것이였습니다. 그 사장님의 장사 철학이 나타나는 부분인거죠.”
My opinion
In the article, the owner of the “틈새라면” said about their three marketing strategy. First of all, they thought customer satisfaction most important. Secondly, they tried to keep the best taste of their food by supporting the best resources in any case. Finally, they tried to appeal the culture and experience of their restaurant.
In my opinion, the certain philosophy of the owner leaded the restaurant to success. He probably thought about their image of the restaurant which he wants to make. He had the plan like what kind of his restaurant supposed to be for customer. The atmosphere of the restaurant which he seeks is that the restaurant should be fun and friendly but special place for customer. He didn’t give up his philosophy for his restaurant and the food. this is one of the most important marketing strategy.
20700011 entry 5
Friday, April 4, 2008
Interesting Marketing Strategy!
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Various companies are using an odd strategy to lure in consumers. This odd stragety is having slogans or advertisement that makes consumers think they do not need their product. For example, Tylenol is teaching consumers how to prevent pains, not using Tylenol. This strategy is used by a lot of different companies, and many became a success, such as Dove.
I think this is a very interesting way to make advertisement. This strategy is a way to advertise their company as consumer-friendly. They help consumers believe their company not only cares to make sales but to truly care for the consumer and his/her needs. This way, they give healthy or benefiting information to the consumers, and they can apply this information in their life. And also, when applied, it reminds the consumers who advertised, or gave them the information. Then, this will be a double advertisement, for their product and company value.
But I do wonder, what if this advertisement, or strategy really makes their sales go down? This is the risk of this strategy. But in my opinion, I believe it wouldn't have such a great effect on the sales. The strategy strength is double advertisement, which can also apply as an opportunity to advertise the company as consumer-friendly. The threat to this strategy is that they may loose consumers because it works against the product, and sales drop.
In conclusion, I believe this is a ODD but great strategy for Marketing.
20600770 - Entry #5
Various companies are using an odd strategy to lure in consumers. This odd stragety is having slogans or advertisement that makes consumers think they do not need their product. For example, Tylenol is teaching consumers how to prevent pains, not using Tylenol. This strategy is used by a lot of different companies, and many became a success, such as Dove.
I think this is a very interesting way to make advertisement. This strategy is a way to advertise their company as consumer-friendly. They help consumers believe their company not only cares to make sales but to truly care for the consumer and his/her needs. This way, they give healthy or benefiting information to the consumers, and they can apply this information in their life. And also, when applied, it reminds the consumers who advertised, or gave them the information. Then, this will be a double advertisement, for their product and company value.
But I do wonder, what if this advertisement, or strategy really makes their sales go down? This is the risk of this strategy. But in my opinion, I believe it wouldn't have such a great effect on the sales. The strategy strength is double advertisement, which can also apply as an opportunity to advertise the company as consumer-friendly. The threat to this strategy is that they may loose consumers because it works against the product, and sales drop.
In conclusion, I believe this is a ODD but great strategy for Marketing.
20600770 - Entry #5
POSCO Going Global for Takeoff
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Asia's No.1 steel maker POSCO has trouble in mergence in the global steel market but it wants to produce more value-added products instead of expanding overseas.
Its first target is to increase the proportion of auto and electrical steel sheets, by 2008. It opened 6th CGL(continuous galvanizing line) at its Gwangyang Mill last year and the plant will has an considerable annual output capacity of 400,000 metric tons of steel sheets for automobiles. Moreover, it is developing the FINEX technology that is a new method of steel production, and it means the end of the era of blast furnace steel manufacturing(60% of the world production). Now POSCO managed commercialized FINEX plant excellently.
The company will adopt its self-developed technology in the $12 billion integrated steel project in Orissa, India and it’s the first output outside of Korea to use the new means. Therefore, it tries to give a significant boost because it is the first market of them. And it established the other new plant ZPSS in China and another plant in Vietnam by 2009.
POSCO plans active investments in related expansion. Particularly, in Mexico it will invest $250 billion to found and auto steel plate plant by 2009 and the annual production will be 400,000 metrics tons from 2010. The reason of foundation is because of the growth of auto industry and the firms, GM, Toyota, and Hyundai Motors, attack the North and the South America so POSCO should build the plant in Mexico.
To overcome the rise in oil prices and global warming issue, it would like to develop the fuel cell generators with no pollution so it invested $131 million to build a Fuel Cell Energy Plant in Youngil Bay, Pohang to produce up to 100MW and it is expect to use in other institution. In addition, POSCO and KEPCO(Korean Electric Power Corp.) develop fuel cell generator plant together.
We generally know POSCO is a simple steel company but we have misunderstood extremely. Its best merit is very good targeting because the steel is used all over the industries but it concentrated on the auto market. The market grows bigger and bigger so it translated the market background correctly. Moreover, it entered the alternative energy “fuel cell” development and it can reduce the operation expenses in the long term and eventually it can get more benefit.
Another thing is technology progression. As Koreans get richer, the cost of wage is the big part of cost. The company can benefit as cost is reduced so it used FINEX technology and can simplify the existing production process as well as reducing cost. It is not a brief step to develop FINEX but a maximization of the brand value.
But, POSCO can’t get out of the image of public enterprise so far. When it continues advertising and promoting its specialized part. For this, it needs to make nicer logo than the present. Even though its main customer is the large company, its logo is so simple. Now it is growing the main Korean company by get some subsidiary companies. It is necessary to build a new logo because they can get benefit through “POSCO” significantly.
In conclusion, POSCO is a very outstanding company and its development probability is unlimited. If it tries to come close to us and keep to build new technology, POSCO will be the 1st place in the industry.
#20300576 -Entry4
Asia's No.1 steel maker POSCO has trouble in mergence in the global steel market but it wants to produce more value-added products instead of expanding overseas.
Its first target is to increase the proportion of auto and electrical steel sheets, by 2008. It opened 6th CGL(continuous galvanizing line) at its Gwangyang Mill last year and the plant will has an considerable annual output capacity of 400,000 metric tons of steel sheets for automobiles. Moreover, it is developing the FINEX technology that is a new method of steel production, and it means the end of the era of blast furnace steel manufacturing(60% of the world production). Now POSCO managed commercialized FINEX plant excellently.
The company will adopt its self-developed technology in the $12 billion integrated steel project in Orissa, India and it’s the first output outside of Korea to use the new means. Therefore, it tries to give a significant boost because it is the first market of them. And it established the other new plant ZPSS in China and another plant in Vietnam by 2009.
POSCO plans active investments in related expansion. Particularly, in Mexico it will invest $250 billion to found and auto steel plate plant by 2009 and the annual production will be 400,000 metrics tons from 2010. The reason of foundation is because of the growth of auto industry and the firms, GM, Toyota, and Hyundai Motors, attack the North and the South America so POSCO should build the plant in Mexico.
To overcome the rise in oil prices and global warming issue, it would like to develop the fuel cell generators with no pollution so it invested $131 million to build a Fuel Cell Energy Plant in Youngil Bay, Pohang to produce up to 100MW and it is expect to use in other institution. In addition, POSCO and KEPCO(Korean Electric Power Corp.) develop fuel cell generator plant together.
We generally know POSCO is a simple steel company but we have misunderstood extremely. Its best merit is very good targeting because the steel is used all over the industries but it concentrated on the auto market. The market grows bigger and bigger so it translated the market background correctly. Moreover, it entered the alternative energy “fuel cell” development and it can reduce the operation expenses in the long term and eventually it can get more benefit.
Another thing is technology progression. As Koreans get richer, the cost of wage is the big part of cost. The company can benefit as cost is reduced so it used FINEX technology and can simplify the existing production process as well as reducing cost. It is not a brief step to develop FINEX but a maximization of the brand value.
But, POSCO can’t get out of the image of public enterprise so far. When it continues advertising and promoting its specialized part. For this, it needs to make nicer logo than the present. Even though its main customer is the large company, its logo is so simple. Now it is growing the main Korean company by get some subsidiary companies. It is necessary to build a new logo because they can get benefit through “POSCO” significantly.
In conclusion, POSCO is a very outstanding company and its development probability is unlimited. If it tries to come close to us and keep to build new technology, POSCO will be the 1st place in the industry.
#20300576 -Entry4
Yuhan-Kimberly a pioneer in environmentalism
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Yuhan-Kimberly started its tree-planting campaign in 1984. The environment-conscious program has expanded to not only across the country but also into North Korea, China and Mongolia in reentry. This year marked the 25th anniversary of its campaign; "Keep Korea Green" The campaign has had a big effect on South Korean society.
The activities brought public awareness about the importance of environment and draw much participation. In Korea, especially cultivation and protecting forest is essential.
Since the campaign, volunteers have planted trees and explored programs for a newly-married couple, helping restore North Korea’s destroyed forests. In addition, Yuhan-Kimberly has been plating trees in Mongolia and China to reduce the yellow dust.
The Green campaign led to the creation of a high-profile nationwide movement and environmental group, Forest For Life, in 1998, and the company has been planting trees on school playgrounds since 1998. Yuhan-Kimberly has operated the “Green Camp” to help Korea’s youth understand importance of preserving nature. At last, it has drowned the lager public participation in Korea.
My opinion
Yuhan-Kimberly is one of the respectable corporations in Korea. It has reputation about Ethnic management and environmental management. Especially, the company has had a role about social-contributions since the creator of Yuhan-Kimberly doctor Yoo il han.
I think that the campaign has big attribution about that. "Keep Korea Green" (푸른강산 푸르게 푸르게)- the nation`s most well-known and most successful environmental campaign. It was also impressive campaign to me. I remember seeing the campaign when I was young on TV, and I participated in painting contest in elementary school related with the campaign. It stressed about importance about prevention pollution, and showed the way which we could participate with simple ways such as separate garbage collection.
Those efforts strength the image which attributes environment preservation, actually people may choose Yuhan-Kimberly for environment instead of using other company’s products. I had Yuhan-Kimberly’s products, too.
It has a positive brand identity. I think it is big weapon as a paper manufacture company to appeal to people. To continue this power, it has to draw participations of people, and need to develop programs. I think Yuhan-Kimberly will have more attentions of the people and responsibility as the importance of environment pollutions gets worse.
# 20300194- Entry 5
Yuhan-Kimberly started its tree-planting campaign in 1984. The environment-conscious program has expanded to not only across the country but also into North Korea, China and Mongolia in reentry. This year marked the 25th anniversary of its campaign; "Keep Korea Green" The campaign has had a big effect on South Korean society.
The activities brought public awareness about the importance of environment and draw much participation. In Korea, especially cultivation and protecting forest is essential.
Since the campaign, volunteers have planted trees and explored programs for a newly-married couple, helping restore North Korea’s destroyed forests. In addition, Yuhan-Kimberly has been plating trees in Mongolia and China to reduce the yellow dust.
The Green campaign led to the creation of a high-profile nationwide movement and environmental group, Forest For Life, in 1998, and the company has been planting trees on school playgrounds since 1998. Yuhan-Kimberly has operated the “Green Camp” to help Korea’s youth understand importance of preserving nature. At last, it has drowned the lager public participation in Korea.
My opinion
Yuhan-Kimberly is one of the respectable corporations in Korea. It has reputation about Ethnic management and environmental management. Especially, the company has had a role about social-contributions since the creator of Yuhan-Kimberly doctor Yoo il han.
I think that the campaign has big attribution about that. "Keep Korea Green" (푸른강산 푸르게 푸르게)- the nation`s most well-known and most successful environmental campaign. It was also impressive campaign to me. I remember seeing the campaign when I was young on TV, and I participated in painting contest in elementary school related with the campaign. It stressed about importance about prevention pollution, and showed the way which we could participate with simple ways such as separate garbage collection.
Those efforts strength the image which attributes environment preservation, actually people may choose Yuhan-Kimberly for environment instead of using other company’s products. I had Yuhan-Kimberly’s products, too.
It has a positive brand identity. I think it is big weapon as a paper manufacture company to appeal to people. To continue this power, it has to draw participations of people, and need to develop programs. I think Yuhan-Kimberly will have more attentions of the people and responsibility as the importance of environment pollutions gets worse.
# 20300194- Entry 5
Thursday, April 3, 2008
방송도 리얼! 광고도 리얼! 반응도 리얼!
The advertising is the situation of imagination. The actors or actress are not using products which they are promoting. The advertising consume only an image of star which are fit in the image of product even that is not true people do not care. However, lately the 'reality' is the key point of success of commercials.
'Real Syndrome' comes from the TV shows
The fashion of real commercials is related with the fashion of real varieties in TV. Starting from a 'Not limited challenge' from MBC, there are many different types of TV shows like 'We've got married' or 'Seo in young's KAIST'. The televiewers get excited over watching the realty like seeing private life of stars. This makes the booming of reality in commercial area. For example, in 'Jang dong Gun's SK telecom commercial, he is talking about his situation and even call his real friend's name. To see this kind of natural sides of star is the fresh enjoyment to customers. Another TV promotion is the beer 'hite'. The Korean singer 'BOA' and 'cul-two' took their shooting without any continuity or basic script.
'Real commercial’, 'real reaction'
This type of commercials is effective to catch the viewer's eyes when people feel like the stars are talk to them. The star's plain sides can make the ability of communication strong. More and more, the commercials which show the star's non-pretended image and their real story stimulate the sympathies of the consumers. The 'Sincerity Marketing' is expected to be expanded with the variety of commercial skills and more familiar stories.
I think this type of ‘real marketing’ can be very successful to appeal to consumers because people like to see star’s private life without any processing. This is segmented to the customers who want to feel more familiarities with stars. People want to find the connections and something in common with stars and then they would like to feel intimacy with them.
Nevertheless of all these strong points of this ‘real commercial’, it can be exposed to danger like faking reality. I’ve seen some articles that say how many time and money the producers spend making ‘show’ which seems like more real than real. Even if it is hard to notice whether they are processed or not, people will know after seeing some outputs. ‘Sincerity Marketing’ can be meaningful only they are real ‘true’.
Student ID # 20500018 - Entry # 5
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Nike’s hit item ‘Nike +’ cooperating with Apple on ‘Music of Sports’
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New Proposal of Adidas ‘Project Fusion’
- This machine which measures the person’s heart-beat and speed has been introduced of Adidas. This machine is comprised of watch that has heart-beat measuring shirt and embedded microcomputer in watch, and there is the measure sensor of speed and distance underneath the shoes. All the information of quantity of motion is sent to watch.
Lafuma’s Diaplex Jacket and embedded MP3 player on Sunglasses
This product is made out of ability to remember the temperature sensor. This system balances the body temperature by recognizing the original temperature to manage the heat in and out. The sunglasses with embedded MP3 player also seem to be very attractive. This player can store up to approximately 240 songs in 1GB memory. The battery can be run for 10 hours.
Nike’s hit item ‘Nike +’ cooperating with Apple on ‘Music of Sports’
This item can analyze the exercise information. There is a system called ‘sports kit’ to save all the information such as running speed, distance, and calories in Ipod while listening to the music.
Kolon Sport’s ‘I-series Jacket’
Kolon Sport’s sportswear item is consisted of Ipod controller connected with chest and sleeve. It’s very handy for outdoor use as well. In addition, the product, ‘I-pack’, has been introduced as Ipod controlled attached on the shoulder.
My Opinion
I have seen the Nike commercial last winter. The commercial was about the one famous actress is running with Ipod with Nike uniform. As we have concerned, it was difficult to enjoy listening to the music while exercising. However, shoes and clothes concentrated Nike and Mp3 concentrated Apple have founded particular error. It was also amazing how Nike proceed to cooperate with Apple. Recently, tendency of customers is prosper and various; therefore, it’s difficult for corporation to deal with such demand. As to face in the reality, it’s difficult to only focus on producing one product so it’s great effort to satisfy customer’s demand by using different strategy to cooperate between two other companies. I think it’s great demand for those marketing strategy to boom up the economic status in the society.
#20400251 Entry5
New Proposal of Adidas ‘Project Fusion’
- This machine which measures the person’s heart-beat and speed has been introduced of Adidas. This machine is comprised of watch that has heart-beat measuring shirt and embedded microcomputer in watch, and there is the measure sensor of speed and distance underneath the shoes. All the information of quantity of motion is sent to watch.
Lafuma’s Diaplex Jacket and embedded MP3 player on Sunglasses
This product is made out of ability to remember the temperature sensor. This system balances the body temperature by recognizing the original temperature to manage the heat in and out. The sunglasses with embedded MP3 player also seem to be very attractive. This player can store up to approximately 240 songs in 1GB memory. The battery can be run for 10 hours.
Nike’s hit item ‘Nike +’ cooperating with Apple on ‘Music of Sports’
This item can analyze the exercise information. There is a system called ‘sports kit’ to save all the information such as running speed, distance, and calories in Ipod while listening to the music.
Kolon Sport’s ‘I-series Jacket’
Kolon Sport’s sportswear item is consisted of Ipod controller connected with chest and sleeve. It’s very handy for outdoor use as well. In addition, the product, ‘I-pack’, has been introduced as Ipod controlled attached on the shoulder.
My Opinion
I have seen the Nike commercial last winter. The commercial was about the one famous actress is running with Ipod with Nike uniform. As we have concerned, it was difficult to enjoy listening to the music while exercising. However, shoes and clothes concentrated Nike and Mp3 concentrated Apple have founded particular error. It was also amazing how Nike proceed to cooperate with Apple. Recently, tendency of customers is prosper and various; therefore, it’s difficult for corporation to deal with such demand. As to face in the reality, it’s difficult to only focus on producing one product so it’s great effort to satisfy customer’s demand by using different strategy to cooperate between two other companies. I think it’s great demand for those marketing strategy to boom up the economic status in the society.
#20400251 Entry5
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