Friday, March 21, 2008
NINTENDO DS Marketing Power
Fall in the web of Nintendo
"Nothing but Nintendo, Everyone has it"
“Nintendo has not possessed each and every house but each and every children of family” Recently, above quotation can tell us how much Nintendo reach to hit the passion of popularity. Released at last January, Nintendo DS Light has been sold approximately 580,000 within 8-months period, and at the beginning of this year, it has been reached to million sales. Considering the price of each Nintendo DS, $140 of each, they have pulled the sale up to 150 million dollars within a year. Adding up with other software, total revenue might be huge. Nintendo took the most popularity of top present list and introduced as the product for specific events.
"Don’t think Nintendo just as personal game-player"
Nintendo’s goal had set up the image of ‘concealing the existence.’ It truly started with the personal game-player; however, they tried to use the marketing strategy to conceal the meaning of name itself, and that was the original eye of popular storm. At the beginning of sale production, Nintendo turned their focus into the program with brain training or English learning strategy. They also hit the commercial by using the Korean most attractive actor to show how easy to learn English by just clicking on the screen of Nintendo DS, and this lead to the incentive to those of personal users. This not only hit on the age of 20s but also enlarges to the age of 50s or 60s as well with convenience and easy control.
My Opinion
After I have read this article, I realized how important marketing strategy is. Even though I am not familiar with games or TV commercials, I was more familiar with the name, Nintendo DS whenever I see people on the street with holding DS at one hand. This makes me feel very impressive. Actually, I think it’s more appropriate to let those customers with product’s better quality with efficiency rather than using unique marketing strategy. True power of marketing doesn’t focus on the product itself but to attract those customers who have pessimistic point of view on the product. It’s very common perspective that people do have against the idea of using personal game-player. However, Nintendo absolutely conceal the bias of unhealthy product but to concentrate the new perspective of useful tool for studying as well. I realized that this strategy is what we really need to perform in marketing also the purchasing power.
#20400251 - Entry #3
PR에 힘을 실어라
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Do you think advertising is worth paying that much money?
The purpose of advertising is to earning more money. For doing this, it costs a lot of money and sometimes it could give a bad image about the company. One of the ways of advertisements is PR. The main different thing between advertisement and PR is PR is somebody tells about your company is good and do well. That's why PR is more effective than advertising.
Than how can we get PR? You cannot buy it using money but have to get interests from journalists. Then what kind of things can be news? 'The first', 'Leader', 'rapid developed' and etc. can be a clue of news.
In this article, it says that PR is better than advertising because it is cheaper and more effective to customers.
When I was reading this article I thought about ‘Promotion’. According to our text book ‘Promotion’ means communicating the value proposition. Even the best products and services will go unsold if marketers cannot communicate their value to customers. (Marketing, Grawel & Levy, p.11) This show how important the marketing and promotion is in selling product.
Also, I thought why the companies want to have advertisement with having risk. In my opinion, the good effect of the advertising is much bigger than the risk or bad effect. Once they succeed in one promotion of the product or service, the benefit from that is too big to miss.
I have learnt how important the PR is especially through this article. It says PR is more reasonable for doing advertising because it’s less risky than commercial and more effective.
Student ID 20500018
Name: HyunYoung Kang
We have to try to continue the power of culture.
In the last few years, Korean films, dramas and music have become immensely popular abroad. In recently, however, it was doubted whether it has a crisis in the Korean film or not. There are some reasons-the advance of foreign films, failure in Japan which it is a big important country for Hallyu. Indutrial instability and the necessity for structural changes had discussed. To provide a diagnosis on the future of Korean cinema, it needs to scrutinize its current responses for the changing environment with a long term view. They have to have new identity politics. The success of Korean cinema offers a new perspective on the trends of globalization. The Korean cinema industry has been a dramatic reversal since 1990s. In 2003, Korean films were exported 56 countries. This huge growth was possible due to the democratic transition of society-economic growth. In Korean films, the historical and cultural intimacy tends to gain a wider appeal among audiences, for examples, Shiri, Sopyonje, Taegukgi. The success of commercial films is the main reason which leads the revival of the Korean film industry cinema. There are some problem that encourages the uncertainties in the Korean film-the increased production costs and the theatrical monopoly of a small number of well-made films. Indeed, another problem is the negative growth of exports. America which takes 85% of the international market is a huge obstacle. Film is a cultural commodity, and many countries have also same issues.
My opinion
Weak point; There are some problems, for examples, lack of view that can search recent trend, diversity, continuance of the popularity. They rest on their laurels.
Culture is not only huge economic profits, but also the power of the country. Especially, the film, TV drama, songs are very important roles in spreading one’s culture. Since 1990s, Korean culture has a big power in culture, what is called, ‘Hallyu.’ In fact, the power of culture-Hallyu- was huge. It affected many Japanese to remind Korean as the country which has interesting culture, big stars. Since then, many Japanese have come to Korea to see stars who they loved, and scene which they’re seen in the movie or TV drama. There are some people who have interesting about the history between Korean-Japanese. I think that is very amazing change. It’s impossible for a long time and no body could do that. But only one star, for example, Bae Young Jun, he did it.
We have to continue this power; however, recently, the power has diminished for various reasons. First of all, I think the monotonous story which lack of diversity. Some movies were depended only big stars that have many foreign fans. If the story was terrible even though there was a big star, the movie will go ruin.
We have to grasp the situation that we’re faced problems in the Korean movie industry and try to recover the power of that.
How to recover the power of Hallyu?
We have to read a trend and needs of customers. At first success in Japan, Winter Sonata can success because they touched many women’s mind that missed their past.
Especially, we have to reduce disorder investment which disappointed many fans because of broken movie. So we remove the bobble of the Hallyu. The success will spread to various directions.
# 20300194 RYU JI HYUN
Nongshim Saewugang

Woongjing Chemical, New name of Seahan.
새한,웅진케미칼로 변경
2008-03-21 17:21:44
올해 초 웅진그룹에 흡수 합병된 ㈜새한이 사명을 웅진케미칼㈜(WOONGJIN CHEMICAL CO., LTD)로 변경했다.21일 경북 구미 1공장 대강당에서 열린 정기 주주총회를 통해 신규 사명을 확정한 웅진케미칼㈜은 앞으로 사업 고부가 가치화와 신규사업 전개, 그룹과 시너지 극대화를 통해 오는 2010년 매출액 1조원, 영업이익 1000억원 달성을 목표로 세웠다.웅진케미칼㈜은 지난 72년 삼성그룹의 제일합섬㈜으로 출발해 지금까지 폴리에스터 원료사업과 직물사업, 환경소재사업 등으로 국내 화섬산업을 선도해 왔다. 지난 95년 삼성그룹에서 분리된 후 97년 ㈜새한으로 사명을 변경했다. 지난 2000년 경영 악화로 워크아웃 기업으로 지정된 이후 뼈를 깎는 구조조정 과정을 통해 경영 정상화의 기반을 이뤘고 지난 1월15일 웅진그룹과 인수합병(M&A)을 통해 웅진의 새로운 계열사로 편입했다.웅진케미칼은 웅진그룹의 회사 이미지(CI)를 적용한 새로운 로고도 이날 함께 발표했다. 영문 회사명 CI를 옆과 위 아래로 이어져 있는 동그라미로 표현했는데, 이는 사람과 사람이 어울려 사업을 확장하고 4개의 동그라미가 바퀴가 되어 힘차게 굴러가는 모습을 의미하는 것이다.웅진케미칼㈜ 관계자는 “원사·원면·칩 사업부문은 고기능성 신제품 개발 및 용도 확대와 함께 비의류용 고부가가치 차별화 제품 전개에 주력하고, 직물 사업 부문은 원사 개발기술과 마케팅을 연계한 고수익 차별화 제품 전개와 비의류용 친환경 소재 발굴에 주력할 것”이라고 말했다.그는 아울러 “필터 사업부문은 신제품 개발, 해외시장 진출 확대와 함께 그룹과 연계한 수처리사업 확대에 총력을 다하고, 소재사업부문은 친환경·고기능성 고부가가치 제품으로 사업구조를 전환할 것”이라고 밝혔다. /rainman@fnnews.com김경수기자
My Opinion
In the article, the company, Seahan is renamed as a Woongjin Chemical. As they start again, they planed a specific goal of sales in their general meeting of Stockholders. They also published new logo which is basically related with their image. There are four circles in the logo which means four wheels for running together. They are going to focus on the trading with other countries and make high quality of products.
In my opinion, Woongjin Chemical had a very good start. The new logo is very appropriate and creative to explain the image which they want to show. Logo and Image are very basic things. But they can give big impact to customers for reminding the company. Focusing on making good for nature and high quality product will make a big differentiation from other company, too.
20700011 Kang Eun-Kyung
cites :
Samsung to Build Handset Plant in Vietnam
Samsung Electronics(SEC), the biggest electronic company in Korea, will invest 50.5 billion won due to the construction of handset plant in Northern Vietnam. It is the second handest manufacturer and will make a small "IT-Cluster" to produce the core components.
It will invest its Asian Corporation to establish the plant in Bac Ninh Province, Vietnam, 30 kilometers northeast of Hanoi to achieve the 100 million goal production due to increasing demand for moblie devices in Southeast Asia and its product price is under $100.
In addition, it will take part in talks with Vietnam parts makers to complete the "IT-Cluster" plan.
SEC has had a strategy to win at the competition with Nokia getting more market share of Asian emerging markets. And Vietnam's handset market is growing rapidly in addition to economc development and large inflow of foreign capial.
As a member of ASEAN, Vietnam also determine cell phone in SEC's Vietnam plan will be likely to a 5% tariff cut in other ASEAN members.
SEC would like to found the overseas plants in order to expand the foreign market, and Gumi plant is used to operate handset facilities in China, India, and Brazil.
Because Vietnam is one of the developed country in Southeast Asia and he is developing fast, the selection of the plant site is very desirable. However, SEC's Asian center is located in Singapole, so each other of the plant and the center's employees needs to communicate well. The relationship with SEC's headquater is also important since it directs the main instructions. If either of the center or the plant overlooked them, the plan of "IT-Cluster" and the strategy of Asian emerging market is in failure.
SEC's price and product policy is also good. Even though Vietnam is a developing nation, almost all the people of Vietnam are poor. Therefore, it is incorrect to fix the price too high and to target the luxurious concept.
In conclusion, SEC's strategy is very excellent and the foreign plant have to increase more. Because It has a small market share in Europe because of Nokia, aggresive and close plan is required in handset market.
Entry2 - 20300576 Cho Kyung Chan
Monday, March 17, 2008
Target Marketing for VIP Customer
현대차, 그랜저 고객대상 골프·와인 이벤트
문형민 기자 03/16 14:59:57
[뉴스핌=문형민기자] 현대자동차가 그랜저 뉴 럭셔리 구매 고객들을 대상으로 골프 페스티벌과 와인 이벤트 등 VIP마케팅에 나선다. 현대차는 16일 지난달 출시된 그랜저 뉴 럭셔리의 구매 고객을 초청해 '골프 페스티벌'과 '와인 이벤트'를 실시한다고 밝혔다. '그랜저 고객 초청 골프 페스티벌'은 그랜저 뉴 럭셔리 구매 고객 중 이벤트에 응모한 고객 80명을 초청, 다음달 18일과 19일 2차에 걸쳐 진행한다.프로골퍼의 자세 교정 교육에 이어 고객 4명당 1명의 프로 선수를 한 조로 구성해 숏 게임과 9홀 라운딩의 필드 레슨을 펼칠 계획이다. 골프 페스티벌의 응모는 그랜저 뉴 럭셔리 구매 고객들을 대상으로 이달말까지 현대차 홈페이지(에서 실시하고 있으며 다음달 2일 당첨자를 발표한다.한편 '그랜저 뉴 럭셔리 와인 이벤트'는 다음달 8일부터 17일까지 서울과 분당, 광주, 대구, 부산의 지역의 와인 전문 레스토랑에서 유명 와인 전문가의 와인 매너와 셀렉션 강연, 시음회 및 만찬 등으로 진행된다.이달말까지 그랜저 뉴 럭셔리를 구매한 고객은 와인 이벤트에 자동적으로 응모되며, 당첨자를 다음달 1일 발표하고 동반 1인을 포함해 총 100명의 고객이 와인 이벤트에 참여할 예정이다.현대차 관계자는 "고급스럽고 세련된 감성을 표현하는 골프와 와인을 매개로 고품격의 VIP 마케팅을 펼쳐 그랜저 뉴 럭셔리 구매 고객들에게 특별한 자부심과 만족도를 심어주고자 한다"며 "앞으로도 지속적인 VIP 마케팅으로 그랜저만의 안락하고 편안한 이미지를 더욱 견고히 할 것"이라고 밝혔다.
[뉴스핌 Newspim] 문형민 기자 (
My Opinion
What is special strategy of this marketing?
In the article, Hyundai is planning an event for New Grandeur. They are targeting a specific group of people. Their target for this car is rich people. New Grandeur’s concept is rich and noble. That’s the reason why they use golf and wine for the event. Golf and wine is a symbol of the rich. I think selecting golf and wine is a perfect idea for this event. This event will make a very good image of the new grandeur. Many people will get interest in that golf class and wine party. Rich people will get together and have chance to know each other through this event. If new grandeur get noble image, many people of middle class would buy that a lot for pretending like the rich.
What is week point of this strategy?
I’m worrying that people who are now rich enough to buy might get refusal for that car and that Brand, Hyundai. Because they can’t understand rich people’s cultures and can feel bad about that. Hyundai need to be very careful to handle the balance for them.
Student ID : 20700011 Kang Eun-Kyung
Cites :
Sunday, March 16, 2008
KTF sweped the top brand and advertising awards in 2007 for its fabulous launch of SHOW. The first advertisement aired on TV was about sperm swimming toward an ovum in an womb. This included a message "The show begins in March - a show never seen and everyone has been waiting for."("세상에 없던, 세상이 기다리는 쇼가 온다.") This stimulated viewers' curiosity so that everybody was curious about what this ad means.
KTF's creative and innovative strategy appealed to the people, and this brought a huge success in the mobile market to KTF. In April, KTF overtook its rival SK telecome, by having over 300,000 3G subscribes.
I remember when I first saw this advertisement on TV. At that time, I was watching television with my family. Seeing the numerous sperm swimming toward an ovum and the message saying "The show begins in March - a show never seen and everyone has been waiting for", my father said "What is that commercial for? I can't ever find out." Not only my father, but maybe everybody who has watched the commercial was so curious about what the advertisement means. This strategy stimulating people's curiosity made people have steady attention to the commercial, and the "Show" itself. When launching totally new product or brand, I think it will be very helpful to make people have curiosity by hiding or not telling them the real site of it.
(20300194 RYU JI HYUN)
Kwangdong's Corn Sooyuem-Cha(Tea) Marketing
Only been released for an year, Kwangdong’s Corn Sooyuem-cha(tea) has reached the top first in the tea commercial market by selling over 10 million bottles each month. In addition, this product has been selected as the best 10 products representing Korea by SERI survey.
Mr. Kim, marketing product manager, thoroughly analyzed the existed commercial tea market before launching the Corn Sooyuem-cha. He realized that it would be successful if the tea could possibly imitate the taste of Korean traditional after-drink called, Soonyung. Thus, he has launched the idea to extract taste out of Kawnagwon and Kyungsang province.
After the product has been launched, he proposed the idea of paying attention to those female customers such as naming S-line or O calories compared to other market competition. Furthermore, he also tried to concentrate on not only body shape but also facial health which called V-line.
My Opinion
- I have thought about my favorite beverages or products before I began to research on marketing case. This reminds me of the quotation from the book, ‘If you invest on the product that you are favor of, it will lead to the road to success.’ I believed that there must be a strategy to use unique features and attractive factors that I prefer to consume. Therefore, I have researched on the marketing case of Kwangdong’s Corn Sooyuem-cha.
Kwangdong decided to produce the product that has been analyzed the tendency of customer’s purchasing power-rate thoroughly, and compared to existing products, they turn their face on focusing as much as possible to imitate the Korean traditional taste beverage. I also prefer to choose Sooyuem-cha just like other customers who are attracted to the taste of Sooyuem-cha. It’s not plagiarism; however, define their own particular characteristic to step up for various fields of customers.
In conclusion, the success role of Kwangdong’s Corn Sooyuem-cha comes from the through marketing research on the tendency of customer’s taste by competing with other product’s flavor, and decided to proceed with using product differentiation.
#20400251 - Entry #2
Marketing to Women - Cars
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What does women have to do with cars? If you answered this question "nothing," you are definetely wrong. Today, we can see that the percentage of vehicle decision made by women is high as 85%. Compared to men, women are careful to buy their cars, asking questions and considering their decision up to 17 weeks while men take about 15 weeks to make their decisions. Also, women ask for more than what a man can ask. They need to consider the car's design, performance, package, plus safety and features. It is said that if women are satisfied, men are satisfied too. Women take a big portion of the car sales.
Women consumers doesn't make marketing easier. As women's influence in car sales increase, marketers have to find better ways to create value in their cars. This means, each design and everything about the car needs to be made FOR women. It is interesting that the article includes about how the door handle is made for women with long fingernails. Marketers can target their consumers closely by feminine advertisement, and closer customer relationship management. Because women rely more on people compared to men, it is important that marketers and car dealers understand the value the women wants and needs.
In my opinion, the most important thing in marketing is bulding relationships with customer. Not only for women but this includes targeting toward men. In marketing, it is important to look at what the customer wants and needs.
POSCO Going Global for Takeoff
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In this article, it shows what the company has to do when they are in trouble like consolidation.Posco, Asia's No.1 steel maker, is aiming at quality-focused growth on the local market, while working up a more quantity-focused expansion overseas.
It is very important to have a good reputation in the local market beceause they are the 'real customer' who are willing to pay for their product. In this situation, Maintaining a good position is very important.Also, Expanding industy is the key to keep the company strong and have a power in global market.
The company has the short term goal which is to increase the proportion of its strategic products, including atuo and electrical steel sheets, by 2008.Having a short term goal, at the same time long term goal, is very good for keeping the employees to work hard for acheiving a goal.
Student ID 2050018; Hyunyoung Kang
( I posted this article using admin's ID because of error of my e-mail, i'll fix it as soon as i can)
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In the article, it is said that, a worldwide search engine is changing its targets to specifically toward women, housewives, and mothers. was a worldwide search engine used by diverse age for all sorts of research. However, it started to show irrelevant search results in some cases. And as Google and Yahoo's internet business prospered through great marketing, fell behind. has been challenging Google and Yahoo in the internet, search engine field since 1996. But challenging Google, keeping a 58.5% market share was impossible to beat compared to's 4.5% market share.
In order to save their site, they decided to change their targets from worldwide search engine into "married women's" search website. In order to market this right, has to drop its mascot, "JEEVES" to let go of the cartoon and show seriousness. will hire Google to run their search engine, while they focus their search specfically for women, which includes cook recipes, children's homework and studies, hobbies, entertainment, and etc.
As we can see, Google is the top internet-based firms, which is doing an excellent job on "providing a great value" to its customers. Wondering why lost many customers, we can see that the problem they faced was: unsatisfied customers. As the article says, many irrelevant results showed up for searches which unsatisfies the customers needs and wants. While Google prioritized and customized searches. The service people experienced in wasn't as satisfying compared to Google's search.
Through changing its targets, can concentrate more on its targets' wants and needs. By concentrating more, it can create value. This way they can create customer relationship management towards married women and dig into another segmentation that aren't major targets yet.
I think made a good choice to target women. First of all, Google has grown too big to be competed with, having over half of the market share. Also, can find ways to concentrate more on women for the "needed" information. I believe "married women" can be considered a great number of customers. Many women face limited time in their hectic agendas, and can be a tool to go through their day. All answers can be found in, just for women.
New Evolutionary Theory in LCD Market
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In this article, it shows what's been going on the field of the LCD market and what's the industry supposed to do for survive.
The writer , Kim Sang-SooSamsung fellow, Executive Vice President of LCD Technology Center, Samsung Electronics, emphasis that they must not become complacent. They need to catch up the market. There are four major growth areas approaching he mentioned.
1) digital signage: There are some opportunities for outdoor commercial displayed outside of buildings. That means it is to be needed a big and clean screen.
2) the e-board market: It could replace the white board. To do that in real, it needs to have a technology for multi-screen and user friendly.
3) intelligent TV: More and more people want to have a 'extra big and clean' screen.
4) the 'art wall' display: When people display pictures and paintings on the wall they can use LCD. It needs to maintain good quality at the same time the reasonable price
He sees the future of the LCD market quite positively because of these 4 areas that can be the chance for their field.
I've learnt that how important to analyze the situation that they are in and make a plan for the future.
Student ID 20500018 ; HyunYoung Kang
( I posted this article using admin's ID because of error of my e-mail, I'll fix it as soon as i can)
Brand Power
How important the Brand Power is!
This article is continually emphasizes how important brand power is. When people think about a certain product, they usually think about its brand first. For example, when we think about take-out coffee, we probably think of "Starbucks" at the first time.
Most people prefer branded products more than the products that doesn't have any particular brand name. Also, from companies' point of view, brand let them have more to gain.
There are two main reasons why achieving high brand recognition in building brand equity's important. First, a brand that is highly recognized carries the advantage of having priority in the "consideration set." The "consideration set" is what comes to consumers mind at the first time when they think about the product. Second, high brand recognition raises brand familiarity, increasing the chances for the product to get selected by buyers. In the conclusion, consumers get more exposed to the certain type of brand which they are familier to.
After reading this article, I started to think of several brand names that used to come to my mind when I think about certain products; Anycall, CGV, Pizza Hut, Mc, etc.
In my opinion, brand name is the biggest asset of the company. Recently, most companies give a lot of effort to emphasize their brand name, and to make it. I think, "Sam-sung" shows the most successful case making a brand image. Everybody recognizes the logo of "Sam-sung".
Companies have to be aware of their brand name continously. That is how to survive!
20300194 RYU JI HYUN
Sport Mrketing of Kia Cars
스피드스케이팅 간판스타 이규혁, 모하비 탄다!
2008년 03월 16일 (일) 20:23:07
[프라임경제] 기아차가 한국 스피드스케이팅 간판스타 이규혁 선수(서울시청, 30)에게 프리미엄 SUV ‘모하비’를 제공한다.
이와 관련 기아자동차㈜는 지난 14일 기아차 압구정 사옥 1층 전시장에서 이규혁 선수와 기아차 네덜란드 대리점 대표 콜 발터스(Cor Baltus), 전 네덜란드 유명 스케이트 선수이자 기아 스피드 스케이팅 팀 매니저인 마르닉스 비버딩크(Marnix Wieberdink)가 참석한 가운데 모하비 전용차량 지원식을 가졌다고 16일 밝혔다.
특히 이 자리에 참석한 이규혁 선수는 “기아차가 그 동안 스피드스케이팅에 보여줬던 관심과 애정에 감사 드린다”며 “강인하면서도 고급스러운 인상을 갖춘 모하비의 디자인과 탁월한 주행성능에 평소 관심이 많았는데 이번 대회 우승을 계기로 직접 운전할 수 있게 되어 기쁘다”고 소감을 밝혔다.
또한 한국을 방문한 콜 발터스 기아차 네덜란드 대리점 대표는 “기아차가 꾸준히 노력해 온 스피드스케이팅 스포츠 마케팅이 이규혁 선수의 2연패 달성을 통해 빛을 발하게 돼 너무나 뿌듯하다”며 “앞으로도 적극적인 후원을 통해 기아차의 인지도를 높이고 브랜드 이미지를 널리 알리는데 힘써 판매 성과를 더욱 높이는 계기로 만들 것”이라고 언급했다.
한편 기아차 네덜란드 대리점은 스피드스케이팅이 유럽에서 큰 인기를 누리고 있는 겨울 스포츠인 점을 활용해 2004년 ‘기아 스피드스케이팅 팀’을 구성하고 전세계 24개국 총 200여명의 스타 스케이팅선수 및 유망주를 적극 후원하는 스포츠마케팅을 전개하고 있다.
또한 빙판 위에서 펼쳐지는 선수들의 역동적인 플레이를 통해 ‘젊고 다이내믹한(Young&Dynamic)’ 기아차 브랜드 이미지를 전달하는 등 스피드스케이팅 스포츠마케팅을 통한 브랜드 홍보효과를 톡톡히 누리고 있다.
한편, 지난해 네덜란드 시장에서 1만7,000여대를 판매한 기아차는 올해 씨드의 판매 호조로 전년보다 3% 늘어난 1만 8,000대를 판매할 계획인 것으로 알려졌다.
Sport Marketing of KIA Cars
What is competitive marketing strategy of KIA Cars?
In the article, Kia is using a Sport Marketing with Popular Speed Skating player, Lee Kyu Hyuk.
This is one kind of the effective Marketing idea. actually, many company like Samsung, LG, Posco have used it for few years. the company supports the certain sport player as player advertise the product of the company. i think this is a very powerful and usual strategy. first of all, if the sport player is popular, people will see her with the product on TV and magazines very often and very naturally. second, people will like that brand and product and use them often. because they might be able to feel like they are friendly with the popular sport player. they whould like to be same as him or him with that product.
What is a week point of that strategy?
I'm worrying what if the sport star is not any more popular. because of low score of games of bad rummors. Then the product of the company will get a bad image same with the player. the company will get a loss of money for supporting that player. The company got to be very cautious to choose a sport player.
20700011 Kang Eun-Kyung
Article 2: BMW Premium Marketing
In year 2007, BMW Korea placed in the first of the imported car enterprise.
What leads them to reach the successful achievements?
Advertisement made by movie, Movie made by advertisement.
One of the BMW’s successful marketing factors is ‘combination between movie and advertisement’. Regarding concerning with customer’s interest, it was their strategy to optimize with entertainment to create what we called, ‘Branded Entertainment’. In 2001, Jim McDowell, representative of BMW marking in North America, have founded out that most customers purchase cars strongly influenced by website advertisement. Thus, he produced ‘The Hire’ series, internet movie clips of BMW information instead of spending on TV commercials. Even though ‘The Hire’ series were considered as short video clips, it was created by famous directors and actors.
BMW Korea also decided to use this strategy to make Korean version of ‘The Hire’ called, ‘The 3 stories’. In addition, when they launched Z4 coupe, they coproduced the main theme song, ‘Still Believe’ with two popular Korean singers, Rain and Jin-Young Park.
Marketing Experience
Another premium marketing of BMW is ‘Marketing Experience’ It’s not only focus on selling the product, but also provides with unique services or events to improve customer loyalty. For instance, Fast land service and Airport Service could be it.
My Opinion
- I’m very interested in cars so I was wondering about what the key role of BMW’s plan to rank in the first of Import 2007. I thought the simple success of BMW Korea was from decreasing the price until I saw the newspaper article. The successful corporation’s marketing strategy was definitely different. This strategy to attract customer’s interest with combining with entertainment reminds me of some teaching from the class. I am very amused with BMW’s strategy to use movie to create the unique advertisement. I think this kind of marketing plan hits not only in the market but also in the other fields. I realized that important factor to achieve the marketing goal is to consider customer loyalty. It’s very significant to maintain previous members with full trust and to bring new customers to interrelate between two. That is what I think ‘Power of Marketing source’
#20400251 - Entry #1