Saturday, May 24, 2008
Disney- visual marketing
Celebrating Disneyland's 50th anniversary, they launched a online program called Virtual Magic Kingdom. In this website, Disneyland fans can experience the activities in Disney virtually, create avatars and play games to collect points and more. These points collegected through various online activities, can be actually used in real life. Disney boasted that there were million avatars created from this program itself. Many fans used this site to make friends, chat, and participate in programs such as the company's resort in California and Florida.
However, Disney announced that they will discontinue the use of this website. Because this website was just for the celebration of the 50th anniversary. It was just prolonged because of the high interest from the people. ManyDisney fans are against this act. 20,000 petitions were written and dozen people stood in front of Disney to protest. However, Diseny continues to pursue their decision and promote other programs that are offered with monthly fees.
My Opinion
I believe Virtual Magic Kingdom was a great program that Disney promoted. It was opened at the right time and the right place. Many people had access to Disneyland all over the world, and 50th anniversary had great meaning to the company and their fans.
However, Disney is trying to stop this online program because of its expenses and support of other programs available with a monthly fee. I believe that this will hurt Disney's image and many of its fans' wants and loyalty.
VMK is a free program, used by hundred and thousands of people all over the world. This is not a one on one relationship with Disney and the fan but a whole community activity. Disney fans' meet one another through online games and interact with one other. I believe that VMK is a great promotion to Disney. Rather than discontinuing this program that is so loved by many people, I believe that Disney should open it.
20,000 petition were signed against of this discontinuation. I believe that Disney has the obligation to fulfill world-wide consumers' want by charging a fee for this program and continuing it. As read in the article, programs were charged $9-10 dollars. The value of the VMK will determine the right price for the service provided. I believe that people with strong attachment to this program will pay the price for such experience and activity. This program is a great marketing that will keep many consumers attached to Disney. Disney isn't a place where people can go often or anytime. People need to invest time and money to enjoy themselves one day at Disneyland. The website keeps loyal customers, and also a promotion to the loyal customers with their points that can be actually used in real life.
I believe its a great program for the LOYAL consumers of Disneyland.
20600770 Entry #12
Friday, May 23, 2008
More Digital Ads Are Produced Offshore

More Digital Ads Are Produced Offshore
More and more companies try to give their works like digital advertisement to little-known company in developing countries.The benifits of this outsourcing trend include companies has created a digital promotion company called Prodigious which works with a stable of offshore providers. Most companies had hard time to find labors to feel their needs in USA. But they are finding their needs from the developing contries like Costa Rica. Because their time xones are compatible with those in the USA and they have high concentrations of English speaker and work experiences.
My opinion
outsourcing is one of good challenges for these days' companys. they don't have to spent too much money for the same work if they outsource their works to the developing countries. they could fill their needs from finding the people who just fit for their work. The market is getting bigger and bigger as transportaions and technologies become higher. Outsourcing companys' digital ads to developing company is one of the solution to reduce the cost of the marketing products because the companies can provide their goods to customers at more reasonable price.
20700011 entry#12
Samsung to showcase products ahead of Beijing Olympics
Aiming to solidify its image as a premium brand in China, Samsung Electronics Co. plans to demonstrate the latest of its cutting-edge products at a high-tech exhibition in Beijing.
The company said yesterday that it is participating in the China Beijing International High-Tech Expo 2008, an electronics industry fair running from today to Sunday.
Occupying 575 square meters of display space, the Korean company will introduce to Chinese customers a range of its products from a 70-inch LED-backlit LCD TV, TV sets with the most advanced display technology of organic light-emitting diodes.
Also on display are the world's smallest color laser printer which Samsung unveiled last month, and its Blu-ray players and full high-definition camcorders and cameras.
Coming during the run-up to the Olympic Games in August, the exhibition is seen as an opportunity to raise the profile of Samsung, one of the only 12 worldwide Olympic partners and the official sponsor for the games' mobile communication system.
Samsung will also bring to the tech fair a series of mobile phones specially developed and designed for the games as well as its global strategic model - the Soul.
By Lee Sun-young
Samsung is going to participate in Beijing International High-Tech Expo 2008 so as to enhance their premium brand image in China. And they are going to introduce the best display technology such as 70-inch LED backlit LCD TV. And they are also exhibiting color laser printer, which is the smallest in the world, Blu-Ray, camcorder and digital camera.
My Opinion
A few months ago, Samsung has been hit hard by unethical behavior in Korea. Even though they are still suffering from lots of tough situation, for example Chairman Lee has resigned from CEO; they are overcoming well as the best globalization conglomerate in Korea. They have recorded the best selling and have been able to outsmart Sony that is their competitor.
Where is Samsung’s power from? It is not that they are promoted the best global giant through the good products. I think what they have supported many international exhibits as part of brand marketing was important. When I have been to Eastern Europe, many Europeans don’t know Korea but know Samsung. I realized Samsung’s position as global company. Thus, the value of brand is beyond a nation. Therefore, I think other Korean firm, which works just in the domestic, should enhance their value of brand and go forward global.
# 20400251 Entry #12
Banks sell Special Products Aimed at Super Riches Only
Recentrly, banks are competitively launching investment products which target to super rich competitorly by product named PB-private banking. For example, Deutshce Investment Trust Management succeed to draw attention of wine dilettanate people who lived in Seoul through selling the premium wines produced in France’s Bordeaux.Banks sell these fund to only PB customer because it is too complicated for ordinary coustomer to understand. They also require subscrivers to invest at least 10 million won.Moreover some overseas equity funds are initially designed for PB customers. For example, there was KB Vietnam Focus fund. PB centers introduce super rich customers to private equity funds which composed of small sized investors.
In korea, there are so many products which target to only super rich customers in various areas from orninary products to finance service. It is getting bigger and more competitively. And it’s not critical matter any more. Markets for super rich weren’t damaged even during the ecomomic slump and it was certain attractive factor. Most of all, there are differences about purchase power between ordinary and super rich customers, and it's difficult factor to ingnore. In addition, it can make high level image. We can see those around us in common.
However it has negative image about Pb marketing because people feel relatively deprivation and it is deficit in present marktet situation. In bank there is VIP room and it is compared with general customer who wait a long time.It is not sufficient only interest rate competition among bank competitions, so it is expanding its competition to culture marketing.So it has to strenghten their brand image and offer product differentiation to maintain its customer in long-term point of view. And it needs to develop special products and provide service through keeping quality talet and pursuit customer satisfacton.
#20300194 -Entry 12
(Reference: The Korea Times / by Yoon Ja-young, staff Reporter / 05-19-2008 19: 13)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Pens that provide the write accessory
Lucia van der Post / The Times /May 23, 2008 © Copyright 2008 Times Newspapers Ltd

Of course, turning a hitherto mainly masculine large, black and gold object into a fashion accessory doesn't happen by chance. The marketing guys have worked hard. First, they brought out smaller versions to suit more dainty hands, so that whereas, not that long ago, 75 per cent of pens were sold to men, today the figure is about 50-50. They also consulted trend-predictors to make sure that they knew the fashion colours of the season and then brought out spring and autumn collections.
Then they tried to ally their pens with jewellery - Montblanc did it most spectacularly by encrusting some of their pens with jewels and by photographing them with the opera singer Katherine Jenkins, wearing fabulous Montblanc jewellery.
There is a famous phrase, 'Do not judge the book by its cover', but most of people in this world know that it is so hard to do. I have a friend who usually know someone's background and even personality by watching his or her possessions like watch, clothes or bags they are wearing. Because it can be an way to assume someone's position in the society.
From this reason, people seem to buy luxury things more and more for present themselves as a high-level person or rich. Nevertheless, it has been hard for pen to be a luxury symbol; it is just black and gold object for writing down something. The marketing guys have worked hard. They made a smaller version of it to suit people's hade easier and searched the trend of each season. Also, they made it something pretty and unique by adding jewelers so it definitely worked for the women.
Student ID # 20500018
Entrty # 12
Mobile Phones Become Interchangeable Between Carriers
Third-generation phone users of SKT and KTF can change the firms by July. The Korea Communications Commission(통신위원회) let the providers to release their USIM (Universal Subscriber Identity Module) chips a small computer chip inside cell phones. But LG Telecom is excluded from this service because of the problem of system. The USIM unlock will help customers to have more than one cell phones with a single USIM card. It will also make easy the trade of second handsets.
However, it is likely to break profits of the mobile firms, who have imposed a heavy entrance fee on new members. And KCC thought the consumers can buy the phone through a variety of ways.
KCC decided this since it is a global trend and our country can't keep it away. Therefore, the five directors of KCC agreed with this with unanimous approval.
There are 43million Korean mobile members. How large the market scale is! I will write down in a view of KTF because KTF’s market share is about 30% so it is necessary to increase it through aggressive marketing strategies.
First, KTF should emphasize their leading company of 3rd generation mobile company as it started early than SKT did. It also should announce their safety and various functions as first firm.
In addition, KT is its supporter; moreover, it is planed it will merge with KT. Then, their market power can overcome SKT's. Through these background(wire communication market:KT, mobie market : KTF), they can maximize their profit. Above all, they must change the image of public enterprise at firtst by improving their business structure especially in KT.
KTF can obtain more market share and keep 1st place in 3rd generation market though the former two strategies.
Entry 11 - #20300576
(Ref. The Korean Times, 05-22-2008, By Cho Jin-seo Staff Reporter)