Friday, April 4, 2008

Interesting Marketing Strategy!

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Various companies are using an odd strategy to lure in consumers. This odd stragety is having slogans or advertisement that makes consumers think they do not need their product. For example, Tylenol is teaching consumers how to prevent pains, not using Tylenol. This strategy is used by a lot of different companies, and many became a success, such as Dove.


I think this is a very interesting way to make advertisement. This strategy is a way to advertise their company as consumer-friendly. They help consumers believe their company not only cares to make sales but to truly care for the consumer and his/her needs. This way, they give healthy or benefiting information to the consumers, and they can apply this information in their life. And also, when applied, it reminds the consumers who advertised, or gave them the information. Then, this will be a double advertisement, for their product and company value.

But I do wonder, what if this advertisement, or strategy really makes their sales go down? This is the risk of this strategy. But in my opinion, I believe it wouldn't have such a great effect on the sales. The strategy strength is double advertisement, which can also apply as an opportunity to advertise the company as consumer-friendly. The threat to this strategy is that they may loose consumers because it works against the product, and sales drop.

In conclusion, I believe this is a ODD but great strategy for Marketing.

20600770 - Entry #5

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