Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mobile Phones Become Interchangeable Between Carriers

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Third-generation phone users of SKT and KTF can change the firms by July. The Korea Communications Commission(통신위원회) let the providers to release their USIM (Universal Subscriber Identity Module) chips a small computer chip inside cell phones. But LG Telecom is excluded from this service because of the problem of system. The USIM unlock will help customers to have more than one cell phones with a single USIM card. It will also make easy the trade of second handsets.
However, it is likely to break profits of the mobile firms, who have imposed a heavy entrance fee on new members. And KCC thought the consumers can buy the phone through a variety of ways.
KCC decided this since it is a global trend and our country can't keep it away. Therefore, the five directors of KCC agreed with this with unanimous approval.


There are 43million Korean mobile members. How large the market scale is! I will write down in a view of KTF because KTF’s market share is about 30% so it is necessary to increase it through aggressive marketing strategies.
First, KTF should emphasize their leading company of 3rd generation mobile company as it started early than SKT did. It also should announce their safety and various functions as first firm.
In addition, KT is its supporter; moreover, it is planed it will merge with KT. Then, their market power can overcome SKT's. Through these background(wire communication market:KT, mobie market : KTF), they can maximize their profit. Above all, they must change the image of public enterprise at firtst by improving their business structure especially in KT.
KTF can obtain more market share and keep 1st place in 3rd generation market though the former two strategies.

Entry 11 - #20300576
(Ref. The Korean Times, 05-22-2008, By Cho Jin-seo Staff Reporter)

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