Friday, May 30, 2008

Authentic Relationship -

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Today, market is full of products. Consumers face the over abundancy of products in all market and services. So many executives ask, "how to differentiate themselves with others." Today, it is important to create authentic relationship with customers.
Today, many companies use different strategy to do marketing for their products, from media to Internet advertising. The more advertisement people see, many loose their trust in the product/service or company itself. Apporaching customers became easier, however to gain their trust is not as easy. 21st century copany should work for authenticity, that can connect the firm and the consumers.
Before advertising nd sending our products, companies need to look back and see who theircustomers are, at te time. And think in a customers' point of view, if the product has any connection with them. Customers seek for connection and relationship.

My Opinion
I definitely agree that it is very important for a company to create true relationship with its customers. When we look back at our markets today, we have great abundancy of all products and services all over the world. If not available in one country, we can bring any product or service from other countries very easily. People today aren't seeking for the product and service itself, but for the value and connection it has with the company.
Personal service is very important. I, as a customer myself look for places where I feel comfortable and familiar with. When entering a service company, I see if I am recognized. Recognition plays a very important role, when the customer himself/herself feels that they are a loyal customer. For a product serving company, it is important for the company to bring the right products to the right customers.
Products and services are limited, however it creates great value when the have surpassed the expectation the consumer holds.
As we have learned in class, a loyal customer is better than a few new customer. So creating relationship with the right customers should be considered a great marketing strategy, especially in a market like we have today.

Entry #13
(Source: Business Week "How to Stand Out? Try Authenticity" May 28, 2008

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