Friday, April 18, 2008

Revival of Walt Disney


In the article, Walt Disney has been running well again since Robert A. lger became a new CEO of Walt Disney. The management strategy of Robert A. lger, “Differentiation and creation” was the key for the success. Walt Disney moved the marketing target class from kids to teenagers. The TV drama was so successful that they made few more shows like musical and concert based on that drama. Furthermore, they moved their marketing target class to adult again. The ability which they make various different kinds of products based on one original product is one of their strong point, too. The management style of Robert A. gler, which he hold ‘creative thinking and combination’ in great account was one of the element to lead the Walt Disney success.

I have been thinking about Walt Disney’s management strategy after we study about Euro Disney in class. I got big impression from the way Walt Disney produces many products from getting the idea of one original product. Most well known thing is Character of Mickey and Mini. They reflected it to many products like clothes, notes, CD player and Disney land. Now Walt Disney developed a competitive advantage through their merchandise because of their brand image, too. Positioning their product using a clear, distinctive brand image and constantly reinforcing that image through their merchandise is an important method for efficient marketing.

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