Friday, May 2, 2008

Apple's miracle again!

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Apple did it once again. After iPhone, Steve Job is continuously working with technology to create a wireless broadband and touch-sensitive interfaces with built it sensors. Many inventions are in process for a convenient life style, such as moving documents fro iPhone to the PC. Many companies are joined with Apple, (partnership) and creating more innovative products. Apple will launch iPhone on June 6 at San Francisco. This new product wil have faster wireless connection, digital camera, media player, and more! As touch-sensitive interface will help users be comfortable using it for it is like the computer touchpad. Apple made patents for the future invention of gizmos, deeply concentrating into the latest technology. In the future, iPhone users will be able to link their phones with the computer very easily, just by a touch. Apple and its various partnerships are partially showing their innovative products. We are await for the big coming of INNOVATIONS by Apple once again.

My Opinion
Wow! Apple is amazing. Apple has grown so much very rapidly. With the lead of Steve Jobs, Apple has hit the markets with innovative products. Their invention of iPod, iTunes, iPhone and more! However they didn't stop, they are continuing to create more innovative product, such as with iPhone even when their product are not even in the declining stage. The Apple products are booming!
As marketers, iPhone with touch-sensitivity will be a great product to introduce to the Apple fans. They can segmentize by age and income level to find their consumers. iPhone isn't such a cheap product, which is why more likely the businessmen and older people will attain this product. I believe its important to give iPhone a special advertisement due to its high price. This advertisement and new coming the product will be a chance for Apple to promote its other products as well. Apple is continuously bringing in new products, which hold the consumers and people's attention. I believe th is is why APPLE is BOOMING.

Entry #9 - 20600770

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