Friday, April 11, 2008

Samsung - brand

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Samsung President Lee Kun Hee has went through 2nd round of questioning about the bribery he was involved in. Although Lee denied that he accepted about 200 billion won, he left suspectible words that reporters question whether he is telling the truth.
The great sum of money seems to be used in different places, but including personal use. There will be further questioning, to get this case straightened out. Many of his family members are being questioned, for they are placed in high positions for the Samsung Company

What does this have to do with marketing?

Everything. Samsung is a giant corporation, the greatest in South Korea. Samsung has a great reputation all throughout the world, with its high technology. However, once these news spread out about corruption and bribery, there will be great struggle not only domesticaly but also internationally.

There will be unstability in the company as well as stock. But most of all, it will hurt the brand name. It's not only important for a company to produce products that satisfy the buyers but also its important to keep the brand value and let the buyers and consumers that their company is part of the society. This corruption has lowered the reputation of Samsung, and it will bring difficulties dealing with the society and ethical dilemmna.

Entry #6 - 20600770

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