Sunday, March 16, 2008

Brand Power

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How important the Brand Power is!

This article is continually emphasizes how important brand power is. When people think about a certain product, they usually think about its brand first. For example, when we think about take-out coffee, we probably think of "Starbucks" at the first time.

Most people prefer branded products more than the products that doesn't have any particular brand name. Also, from companies' point of view, brand let them have more to gain.

There are two main reasons why achieving high brand recognition in building brand equity's important. First, a brand that is highly recognized carries the advantage of having priority in the "consideration set." The "consideration set" is what comes to consumers mind at the first time when they think about the product. Second, high brand recognition raises brand familiarity, increasing the chances for the product to get selected by buyers. In the conclusion, consumers get more exposed to the certain type of brand which they are familier to.

After reading this article, I started to think of several brand names that used to come to my mind when I think about certain products; Anycall, CGV, Pizza Hut, Mc, etc.
In my opinion, brand name is the biggest asset of the company. Recently, most companies give a lot of effort to emphasize their brand name, and to make it. I think, "Sam-sung" shows the most successful case making a brand image. Everybody recognizes the logo of "Sam-sung".
Companies have to be aware of their brand name continously. That is how to survive!

20300194 RYU JI HYUN

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