Sunday, March 16, 2008

Marketing to Women - Cars

Written by In Ah Hwang 20600770

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What does women have to do with cars? If you answered this question "nothing," you are definetely wrong. Today, we can see that the percentage of vehicle decision made by women is high as 85%. Compared to men, women are careful to buy their cars, asking questions and considering their decision up to 17 weeks while men take about 15 weeks to make their decisions. Also, women ask for more than what a man can ask. They need to consider the car's design, performance, package, plus safety and features. It is said that if women are satisfied, men are satisfied too. Women take a big portion of the car sales.

Women consumers doesn't make marketing easier. As women's influence in car sales increase, marketers have to find better ways to create value in their cars. This means, each design and everything about the car needs to be made FOR women. It is interesting that the article includes about how the door handle is made for women with long fingernails. Marketers can target their consumers closely by feminine advertisement, and closer customer relationship management. Because women rely more on people compared to men, it is important that marketers and car dealers understand the value the women wants and needs.

In my opinion, the most important thing in marketing is bulding relationships with customer. Not only for women but this includes targeting toward men. In marketing, it is important to look at what the customer wants and needs.

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