Friday, March 21, 2008

PR에 힘을 실어라

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Do you think advertising is worth paying that much money?

The purpose of advertising is to earning more money. For doing this, it costs a lot of money and sometimes it could give a bad image about the company. One of the ways of advertisements is PR. The main different thing between advertisement and PR is PR is somebody tells about your company is good and do well. That's why PR is more effective than advertising.

Than how can we get PR? You cannot buy it using money but have to get interests from journalists. Then what kind of things can be news? 'The first', 'Leader', 'rapid developed' and etc. can be a clue of news.


In this article, it says that PR is better than advertising because it is cheaper and more effective to customers.

When I was reading this article I thought about ‘Promotion’. According to our text book ‘Promotion’ means communicating the value proposition. Even the best products and services will go unsold if marketers cannot communicate their value to customers. (Marketing, Grawel & Levy, p.11) This show how important the marketing and promotion is in selling product.

Also, I thought why the companies want to have advertisement with having risk. In my opinion, the good effect of the advertising is much bigger than the risk or bad effect. Once they succeed in one promotion of the product or service, the benefit from that is too big to miss.

I have learnt how important the PR is especially through this article. It says PR is more reasonable for doing advertising because it’s less risky than commercial and more effective.

Student ID 20500018
Name: HyunYoung Kang

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