Sunday, March 16, 2008

POSCO Going Global for Takeoff
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In this article, it shows what the company has to do when they are in trouble like consolidation.Posco, Asia's No.1 steel maker, is aiming at quality-focused growth on the local market, while working up a more quantity-focused expansion overseas.

It is very important to have a good reputation in the local market beceause they are the 'real customer' who are willing to pay for their product. In this situation, Maintaining a good position is very important.Also, Expanding industy is the key to keep the company strong and have a power in global market.

The company has the short term goal which is to increase the proportion of its strategic products, including atuo and electrical steel sheets, by 2008.Having a short term goal, at the same time long term goal, is very good for keeping the employees to work hard for acheiving a goal.

Student ID 2050018; Hyunyoung Kang
( I posted this article using admin's ID because of error of my e-mail, i'll fix it as soon as i can)

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